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Issue with superscript character (‘) in EL expression
Hi experts,
in the Employment page there’s a custom button (html markup component) which on click opens a new page on the browser redirecting the user to a custom report.
Here’s the EL Expression on the component:
#{'<button onclick="\'../../../xmlpserver/Custom//Human+Capital+Management/Core HR/ORG_TREE.xdo?_xmode=2&_xf=html&_paramsP_DEP_NAME='}#{bindings.Department.inputValue}#{'\',\'_blank\')">Ricerca Reparto</button>'}
The input parameter is the department name.
This configuration causes an unexpected behaviour when in the name of the department the superscript character (‘) is used (eg: CONTABILITA' GENERALE SOCIETA' PARTECIPATE E RAPPORTI INTERCOMPANY). In this case when clicking on the button the new page doesn’t open.