Recursive invocation limit reached error while calling Child integration from Parent integration
Hi Experts,
I am getting below error while calling child integration from parent integration recursively in OIC3
Currently As per use case we are calling parent integration 6 times a row ,out of 6 , it was able to call child integration 5 times successfully ..but in 6th time it was failing with below error while calling child integration
status=500, reason=Internal Server Error}}]]></ns2:errorPath><![CDATA[{
"type" : "10.5.1",
"title" : "Recursive invocation limit reached",
"detail" : "Exception in:$raiseEventAsync$3BINDING.JCA-12509\nUnable to post inbound message.\nUnable to post inbound message to Composite.\nThe JCA Listener of the JCA Binding Component was unsuccessful in delivering an inbound message from the endpoint due to the following reason: {"fault":true,"flowId":"9qknQfRLEe-0qT8wOxPbzg","traceId":"28064d8e36ae37c3f1d3ce45c9b40c8d","requestId":"KV1CACPZN1V432LEOEB9GH9T4S3IZDX3/APU2R93O33RBBMI5TU7P6OLUP12LZN4B/SN73IL2JU1FMKJ9EGMXEWW2ZONF78OKH","faultName":"{}mcubeFault","errorCode":"model.engine.JSException","reason":"