Discussion List
Question regarding Migration of leasesSummary: Our client is using the GASB financial reporting standards and also as an SLA. Now, GASB was implemented in the year 2020. Amortization till 2020 is different a…
Change Revenue Lease Transaction Types ORA_Lease Invoice and ORA_Lease CreditSummary: Is it possible to change the revenue lease transaction types from the default ORA_Lease Invoice and ORA_Lease Credit? Content (required): Is it possible to chan…
Revenue Lease Default DateSummary: When running Revenue Lease Payments -> Process Lease Payments and "Launch Import AutoInvoice" is selected with Yes, the Default Date in the Import AutoInvoice j…
Configuration of Lease AccountingSummary: I have some questions surrounding the required Lease Accounting core system configurations 1. How do the Primary (ASC842) and Secondary (IFRS16) accounting stan…Sheila Alabrudzinski 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Can we tie leases from one company to another companySummary: We have assets that reside in one company and we want to create the leases in a different company Content (required): Is it possible to tie assets from one comp…Anthony Iannuccilli 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
How to consolidate multiple leases invoices for same vendor into one invoice?Summary: We have multiple lease offices in our New York location where supplier, site, payment term, payment template, and periods are same, but for our operational flex…
Integration of Lease Accounting to Fixed Asset ModuleSummary: Currently we don't have any integration between Lease Accounting & Fixed Assets. Can u please check is there any future planned to integration lease accounting …Muhammad Zarlash 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Import AutoInvoice is going in Error for Revenue LeasesSummary: Import AutoInvoice is going in Error for Revenue Leases Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any co…
Ability to check the funds using budgetary control before importing the invoices to AP module.Summary: In fusion lease accounting, Our client requirement is to enable the budgetary control for lease accounting module and ensure that available funds check is happe…
Can Oracle Fusion accommodate both lessee and lessor scenarios?Summary: We have a business scenario from the client (coming from Oracle EBS) to have both payment and billing (innate integrations to AP and AR, respectively) functiona…
Invoices are not getting generated from financial leaseSummary: Invoices are not getting created for Finalized financial leases even after running scheduled processes. Content (required): After lease status is changed to 'Fi…
Import of Mid-life leases using FBDI TemplatesSummary Import of Mid-life leases using FBDI TemplatesContent Hi, In the last cloud connect session on Lease Accounting, it was stated that in Release 21B, there would b…
Unable to Select Business Unit in SetupSummary Unable to Select Business Unit in SetupContent I am unable to select the Business Unit when Completing setup. How do I resolve this?
Difference Between Lease Accounting module and the Lease Asset Option in Fixed AssetsSummary We currently do not have lease accounting turned on and we've been looking to implement it. I notice there seem to be 2 modules to handle it: Fixed Assets and Le…
Lease Accounting to comply IFRS 16Content I am keen to understand the functionalities available in Lease Accounting. We have looked at it couple of years ago where we felt it was not fitting to our requi…