Discussion List
Can “Process Expense Lease Payment” program be scheduled to run in daily basis?Summary: Can “Process Expense Lease Payment” program be scheduled to generate Lease invoice and interface to AP in daily basis? Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Can system generate one AR invoice for one lease number?Summary: Currently, system generate one consolidated AR invoice for different lease numbers. Can system generate one AR invoice for one lease number? Content (please ens…
Is it possible to fill item "Invoice Group" at AP with any fixed values in LA-AP invoice creation?Regarding LA-AP invoice creation, is it possible to create AP invoice from LA with any fixed value in the item "Invoice Group" at AP? AP module holds item "Invoice Group…Shogo Ito-Oracle 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Revenue share percent value is higher than base rentSummary: How to handle this case Where the contract base rent value is 100K but the turnover rent (Revenue Share Percent) is higher than 100K Content (please ensure you …
If payment due date is in middle of month, how to handle this case?Summary: If payment due date is in middle of month, like 15/01/2024, 15/02/2024, 15/03/2024…etc, instead of first date or last date of the period. How to handle this cas…
Which accounting event will trigger receivable account to be used?Summary: In revenue payment template>>Distributions, there is Receivables account setup. Which accounting event will trigger this account to be used? Content (please ens…
Where does Property Number come from?Summary: Where does Property Number come from on review property screen? Property Import template with data uploaded successfully, but the property number is different b…
Once lease payment invoice interfaced to AP, how to alter or change Lease amount?Summary: Once lease payment invoice interfaced to AP, how to alter or change invoice content? like Lease amount or other attributes from Lease Accounting if possible? th…DL003 54 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
is there any lease payment report which can show Payment status in AP side?Summary: is there any lease payment report which can show Payment status in AP side? That means the report can show whether the lease invoice was paid in AP side. Thanks…
What access or role is required to view the AR invoice number details?Summary: navigation search Leave number>>Schedule, click invoice number, error “You do not have permission to access this information”. What access or role is required t…DL003 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
what is the navigation to setup property flexfield?Summary: what is the navigation to setup property flexfield? As attached, there are many flexfields on property import template, pls help advise the navigation to setup …
difference between Lease Accounting Contract and Lease Accounting TransactionSummary: When Create Accounting for Lease, what are difference between Lease Accounting Contract and Lease Accounting Transaction? Content (please ensure you mask any co…
after interfacing expense lease invoice to AP mistakenly, how to cancel it?Summary: after interfacing expense lease invoice to AP mistakenly, how to cancel or delete it? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
Why lease expense accounting event is missing on create accounting execution report?Summary: Why lease expense accounting event is missing on accounting event summary column of create accounting execution report? Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Why AP invoice number not comes out after interface to AP?Summary: Why AP invoice number not comes out after interface to AP? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are u…
the clearing account still not update or refresh on Accounting of Lease Payment ScreenSummary: After running of “create accounting” request, got GL account code error. After addition of clearing account on expense lease template, and re-run create account…
Invoice received date is required when the terms date basis set to invoice receivedSummary: Got error when interface to AP, “Invoice received date is required when the terms date basis set to invoice received”. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
What is the permission required to import expense lease to AP?Summary: What is the permission required to import expense lease to AP? got below error when interface to ap: " generateReportDefinition for reportAbsolutePath [/Financi…
Cannot Find Process name for property template upload in scheduled process.Cannot Find Process name: “Process Property and Revenue L ease Action” for property template upload.
why cannot select lease related import account to import property?Summary: why cannot select lease related import account to import property? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Change invoice source name ORA_FLA to Lease ModuleSummary: Change invoice source name ORA_FLA to Lease Module Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Invoices imported in Payables Module from Leas…
is there any lease standard report for data conversion validation?Summary: is there any lease standard report for data conversion validation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
How to show tax on leases invoices in oracle fusionTax is not showing on the lease invoice when it lands from the lease module to the AP module. Kindly let me know the main thing which I have missed in the process.
Cannot find import revenue lease function on lease functional menu.Summary: Cannot find import revenue lease function on lease functional menu. (FBDI) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Is there is setup or control for AP invoice numbering which is generated after interfacing to AP.Summary: Is there is setup or control for AP invoice numbering which is generated after interfacing to AP. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
For supplier bank accounting information, how it is entered or catered in lease accounting?Summary: For supplier bank accounting information, how it is entered or catered in lease accounting? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
For customer bank account information, how it is entered or catered in lease accounting?Summary: For customer bank account information, how it is entered or catered in lease accounting when interface to AR? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
What should be the start date that need to enter in the Lease for data conversion?Summary: Scenario A: Lease 1 starts JAN 1, 2000 - DEC 31, 2030 Migration to Oracle, JAN 1, 2025. a) What should be the start date that they need to enter in the Lease? b…
What are the definitions of line start date and first payment date on payment screen?Summary: Attached is revenue lease, what are the definitions of line start date and first payment date on payment screen. What are their difference? Content (please ensu…
Can Revenue Lease Invoices use Document SequencesSummary: Can revenue lease invoices use document sequences? Content (required): Our ledgers have enforce document sequencing enabled for receivables. AutoInvoice fails w…