Wrong Entity Detection
Chatbot extracts wrong informationContent
We have an Intent called "Buy" which uses two entities: Property.Type (LIST) and Property.Address (ADDRESS)
If we enter "I want to buy an apartment in Melboune", chatbot extracts correctly the type of property and the city
If we enter "I want to buy an apartment", chatbot extracts correctly the type of property
BUT, If we enter "I want to buy", chatbot fills Address with the value = "buy"
Code Snippet
{ "text": "Ideally, when are you looking to purchase?. ", "type": "text", "channelExtensions": { "debugInfo": { "variables": { "profile.updatedOn": "2019-02-14T04:46:42.239Z", "user.location": "buy", "hasTenant": null, "sessionData": null, "propertyBathrooms": null, "user.asked": "Buy", "iResult": {