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FCCS - Approval Unit user in nested group behaviour doubts

edited Apr 25, 2020 6:29PM in Financial Consolidation and Close 1 comment


Hi All

I have a doubt about how the follow is working and should work or not, as it is not documented and I am not getting any luck with Oracle support so far: 

1. I have userA in Group A

2. UserB in GroupB and that GroupB is nested in GroupC. 


 - Parent EntityA is Owned by GrouA and has review by GroupB under the Approval Unit: 



Testing steps: 

1. login as Admin and Set the Approval Process to Originate for ChildA and set Owner as GroupA = This Is OK so far

2. We select DELEGATE to UserA(part of GroupA) - Which is the Owner of the Parent under the Approval Unit = So far OK

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