Groovy setAttribute of related objects of the same 1:M relationship
Using view object and setAttribute does not set the field value of related objects of the same 1:M relationshipContent
Hi community,
I have a 1:M relationship between Business Plan : Objective.
Each time, the user changes the currency of one of the Objectives, the currency of all other Objectives of the same Business Plan should change to the same value.
I set following code in the Application Composer > Objective > Server scripts: triggers > Field trigger (for field: CurrencyCode): see Code Snippet.
However, I receive the following error when testing in the UI: Exception in expression "oracle.apps.crmCommon.salesObjectives.publicModel.entity.SalesObjectiveEO" trigger "Set_ObjectiveCurrencies" : oracle.jbo.InvalidOperException Attribute CurrencyCode is being modified, while it is being validated causing an infinite loop.