How can I add arrayset attributes using REST api while using configure REST api
How can I add arrayset attributes in configuration through REST APIContent
How can I add arrayset attributes using REST api while using configure REST api. I am trying with below api
OpenRequest Body Sample
"cacheInstanceId": "WOSeTwyqtdOO2BnrSShDZoRTTVq4oj1tSfGP3bjdSTUxJFiU4SkYcTgUuC8QZgZW"
But where I will give the values to the arrayset. I took the response and substituted the values and again called the above api then below error is throwing.
"o:errorDetails": [
"o:errorDetails": [
"title": "Error located at {\"items\":[{\"_index\":0,\"_rowKey..."
"title": "Invalid property name at path items"