How to use the 'Query-Database' feature in BPM for FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval
How to use the 'Query-Database' feature in BPM for FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval - person idContent
I need help with deriving my code/the syntax for the task expression.
For instance, I am wanting to use a a skip rule on FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval using Query-Database' to obtain a flexfield value for foreign national (from HCM table). I was able to get the 'Query-Database' feature in BPM to work for ReqApproval, but i am having trouble with my syntax for FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval using xpath: person_id, and SQL query database for individual international flag. (i have verified that my sql works).
The only thing i can think of is that this syntax isn't correct /task:task/task:payload/ns7:getExpenseReportVOResponse/ns7:result/ns2:PersonId