PCMCS Custom Calculation error: Warning: Rule cannot be enabled because it has failed Validations. T
We have problem with the sintax in Custom Calculations en PCM Cloud, could you help me with this issue?Content
We have a PCM model with 15 dimensions, we need to calculate a controller with the sum of 12 months before the actual month and the result is divided by 12, this controller value is necessary to calculate the allocations for the rules
POV is:
Year: FY20, Period: Aug, Scenario: Act, Currency: USD, Status: Draft
Target Dimensions are:
Account: D_Prima Cedida
Business: NA_BU
Proyectos: NA_Proy
Centro de Costos: NA_CC
Coverage: R_011
Plaza: NA_Zone
Channels: CH_AT
Segment: S_11