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Grades defaulting from Positions or Jobs for New Hire and Assignment updates?
We use Positions and Valid Grades are defaulted from the Position for New Hires and Assignment updates.
Currently, when doing a market review for a Position/ Grade/ Rate for our our Compensation Staff removes the Valid Grade from the Position, so it won't be used until after they complete their review. This causes any New Hires or employees who have assignment changes for one of these Positions to not have a Grade.
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We use Positions and Valid Grades are defaulted from the Position for New Hires and Assignment updates.
Currently, when doing a market review for a Position/ Grade/ Rate for our our Compensation Staff removes the Valid Grade from the Position, so it won't be used until after they complete their review. This causes any New Hires or employees who have assignment changes for one of these Positions to not have a Grade.