How to Connect Through VNC Using the Public IP Address of an Oracle Linux 7 Instance on OCI
This article explains how to configure VNC to connect to an Oracle Linux 7 instance via the instance's public IP address on OCI.
1) Install graphical user interface (GUI) for Oracle Linux 7.
As the opc user, run the following command:
(opc)$ sudo yum groupinstall "Server with GUI" -y
2) Set graphical target (runlevel 5) as the default target for the system:
(opc)$ sudo ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/
3) Reboot the system:
(opc)$ sudo shutdown -r now
4) Install tigervnc-server and mesa-libGL:
(opc)$ sudo yum install mesa-libGL -y
(opc)$ sudo yum install tigervnc-server -y
5) Switch to the opc user and set a password (in order to unlock the screensaver on the GUI) and a vncpassword for opc user.