OCI: OSMS Work Request Shows Error While Executing Packages Action
OCI: OSMS Work Request Shows Error While Executing Packages Action: Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended
Applies to:
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later
Linux x86-64
OSMS work request shows:
Error while executing packages action: Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended. [[6]]
The customer tries to install a certain package
The customer tries to install a package that is not signed by the operating system PRM GPG key. One known package is jdk. The Java team creates jdk RPMs with the same name for OL7 and OL8 and signed them with different RPM GPG keys. OSMS cannot distinguish them and may try to install OL8 jdk on OL7. The Java team is working on creating the jdk RPMs with proper names.