REST & SOAP cause multiple entries in hz_party_usg_assignments for the same Customer Account PARTY.
Hi Receivables Experts.
Using REST to create a Party and then SOAP to create the Customer Account for that party results in two active records in hz_party_usg_assignments.
What is the impact of creating 'Party' Records, that will be assigned Receivables Customer Accounts, with a Party Usage Code other than 'CUSTOMER'?
Any advice on the potential impacts, if any, is appreciated.
Content (required):
When using the REST hubOrganizations and hubPersons web services to create the Party records necessary for Customer Account SOAP web services, the PartyUsageCode attribute is mandatory. However, those with a Party Usage Code value of CUSTOMER are rejected as the party usage doesn't support an unconditional assignment. This setting can't be updated in the 'Setup and Maintenance' task.