Mass Product Completion transaction for lot enabled item in Process Work Order using Visual Builder
Dear Experts,
We have a requirement where we need to complete more than 100 lots in a process manufacturing work order. Each lot contains 1 quantity. Thus, we need to complete 100 rows.
We are trying to use Visual Builder to complete it, but somehow visual builder excel is not working and not allowing to enter data.
We are able to perform PRODUCT_COMPLETION transaction using postman and working as expected using API /fscmRestApi/resources/latest/materialTransactions with below payload.
"SourceSystemCode": "FUSION_MOBILE",
"SourceSystemType": "EXTERNAL",
"MaterialTransactionDetail": [ {
"OrganizationCode": "INV_ORG_A",
"WorkOrderNumber": "WO1001",
"WoOperationSequenceNumber": 30,
"TransactionTypeCode": "PRODUCT_COMPLETION",
"InventoryItemNumber": "ITEMA",
"TransactionQuantity": 1,
"TransactionUnitOfMeasure": "Each",
"TransactionLot": [ {