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Project Budget Vs Requisition


Project Budget Vs Requisition

Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):

Project Budget = 50,000,000

Project Actual Cost = 35,000,000

Project Committed Cost = 5,000,000

Total Project Cost = 35,000,000 + 5,000,000 = $40,000,000

Available amount to spend is 10,000,000.

Why am I getting a Funds Check error when creating a requisition from the said project budget for 4,000,000? When I check the Funds Check Budget from requisition check funds screen, I am seeing Requested amount $4,000,000 and available amount 2,000,000.

There should be 10M available, now am seeing only 2M when creating a requisition.

Why is the other 8M not available?

Where can I go to see what consume or make up the 8M? Its not reflected under Project Actual or Committed Cost.

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