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Querying workers API to fetch primary email
I have a requirement where I wanted to fetch basic person and assignment details for employees in a single API call. I was trying to leverage the query parameters to query and filter the child collections of the workers, but I see all email addresses were being fetched -primary and non-primary. and emails.PrimaryFlag=true&fields=PersonNumber,PersonId;names:DisplayName;emails:EmailAddress,PrimaryFlag;nationalIdentifiers:NationalIdentifierNumber,LegislationCode,PrimaryFlag&onlyData=true
I found that this behavior is similar if I want to fetch a specific NID i.e., fetches all instead of one. There was an earlier post in this community that mentioned that we can verify if an attribute is queryable using /describe and I have seen that both NID and Email PrimaryFlag attribute says queryable: true. I am aware that I can do a second call to these child objects and then fetch the primary one using any query parameters or finder attributes. But I am