chat: anonymous email and name when user exist in database
Hi friends, I'm super noob with rightnow...
I had to make an user id validation for the chat form, it works fine, when a new user fill fields and send the chat request, the oracle console recieve all data normally, but when the user exist in database, email is recieved by oracle console as anonymous@anonymous.invalid and name i revieved in blank...
Does anybody knows why is this happens?
I left the chat_launch code
Thanks a lot...
Service CloudCode Snippet
<rn:meta title="#rn:msg:LIVE_CHAT_LBL#" template="segurosalfa.php" clickstream="chat_request"/> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function (){ $("#email_false").css("display","none"); $("input[name='Contact.Emails.PRIMARY.Address']").attr('disabled', true); $("input[name='Contact.Name.First']").attr('disabled', true);