RSSP-Unable to edit certain fields in the Billing section of the requisition
There are 2 parts to this:
- Edit related to percentage and qty
- Edit related to change project number within billing section
Attached herewith is the video from our test instance
PART1) Edit related to percentage and qty
Go to "My Requisitions"
click on the 3 dots to Edit the requisition
does not let you edit the description and qty
so go to the billing section below and Edit
qty=112 and percentage =100%
when you change the QTY to 24 it changes the percentage to 21.428571428571 (this should remain at 100%) -no issues with amt as amt remains unchanged at 50,400
The new version wants us to edit only in the billing section and won't let you edit well. The new version does not let you edit the description level.