Getting error of Pjc_proc_cfg_pkg.Get_SRC_Code_Amount
After running the Generate Revenue using a process configurator I get the following messages
Pjc_proc_cfg_pkg.Get_SRC_Code_Amount: Exception to get the Configuration : User-Defined Exception
and the log has
UnExpected ErrorUser-Defined Exception for the configuration for : GSI_OVER_TIME
Configuration Formula : ( "ACTUALCost01"+ "ACTUALCost02")/( "TOTCBUDGET"- "CB4NONPOC1MATERIAL")
Substituted Configuration Value :
Configuration Filters used :
The sql failure for billing_extension : Process Configurator Revenue for :procedure : Pjb_proc_cfg_pkg.process_cfg : is : ORA-06515: PL/SQL: unhandled exception 200009
2024-08-26 15:35:13.121889:pjb.plsql.pjb_revenue_generation_pkg.reg_cline_pragma : 2024-08-26 15:35:13.121886000 +00:00 Entering reg_cline_pragma procedure