How can Responsys RPL messagedigest method output as Hex encoding instead of Base64 encoding?
I was reading the Responsys RPL Reference Guide. On page 275, there is a messagedigest method. It allows the users to select various hashing algorithm, e.g. SHA-256 etc. However, when I select SHA-256, I believe the output encoding is based on Base64 output encoding. But I want the output encoding to be based on Hex output encoding.
As an e.g., for SHA-256 hashing algorithm, when the input is "ABC123", based on Base64 output encoding, the output will be - "4L69IoGZk0JYFIZrYnAeKRnqJvE3BJnBA3tTudScLIo=", and the output will be "e0bebd22819993425814866b62701e2919ea26f1370499c1037b53b9d49c2c8a" if it is based on Hex output encoding.