Error in loading Instructor Led ACtivity in oracle learning
I am loading Courses, Offerings, Sections and Activities. I prepared different files and started the loading.
1)Loaded Courses only —Done
2)loaded only Self Paced Offerings —DOne
3)Loaded only Instructor Led Offerings —Done
4)Loaded SP offerings row+ OfferingActionSection(SP) + SelfPacedActivity —DOne
5)Loaded ILT offerings row+ OfferingActionSection(ILT) + InstructorLedActivity —Getting Errors
In step I got error which i resolved added PrimaryInstructorId and ran the whole file again. In this case in backend two rows for offerings came up and once again error came for the Offerings which were already uploaded in 1st iteration.Attaching the screenshot for reference.
In addition to this, rest of the offerings it's showing Data Loaded but when I am checking the activities in that particular Offerings there are not activities.