Definitions and functions
Hey Ya'll! So I am new to this, so please forgive me if this is a simple question that I cannot figure out.
The definition of our chat service level states: sum(chat_agent_sessions.engaged_secs ) / sum( date_diff( NVL(chat_agent_sessions.logoff, sysdate()), chat_agent_sessions.login) ) * this states The percentage of chats meeting the service level requirements for wait time for chats accepted by the agent/group/queue.
but I need the chat service level of the following: to_number( to_char( sum(date_diff(chats.first_engaged, chats.requested ) ) / count( distinct(chats.chat_id )))) *this states Lists the average amount of time passed from request to response for chats requested during each interval. The date grouping (interval) is specified in the report's parameters.