Custom Queue Grouping Filter
Hi All,
I am grouping up incidents created/edited by teams that work different queues, and I have several queues to assign to 8 different teams.
I am grouping the queues up with the incidents.queue_id using "IF(incidents.queue_id IN(###,##,###,#,###),'TEAM NAME 1',IF(incidents.queue_id IN(###,##,##,###,##,#,##),'TEAM NAME 2'" and so on.
What I am struggling with is I want to create a drop down filter that will be docked where the person running the report can select multiple teams (or just one) to pull data through. When I drag the Team field onto the docked filter section it creates a filter and if I change the filter type to equals I can filter on the teams name but have to type the teams name in. Is there a way to create a customised drop down list?