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Can groovy rules be used to "Start open period" in FCCS?Summary: Can groovy rules be used to "Start open period" in FCCS? Content (required): When load TB data from Fusion GL, FCCS users need to open the period first. Can gro…Xu, Angela Menglei 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Cube Restructure using RestApiSummary: Currently we are planning to automate the maintenance process like daily maintenance etc., Is there any RESTAPI available for performing the cube restructure so…Muthiah 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Adding a space to the member alias when importing metadata to Data IntegrationSummary: The product alias is a combination of the product code plus the product description. Both are in a separate field and I want to concatenate those with: space hy…Jeroen Goudvis 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mike Casey-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
EPM Planning Dimension Export directly to SQLSummary: Greetings, is there a direct method of exporting a dimension in a Planning application to SQL (MSSQL or Oracle DB), via EPM Automate, ODI, Data Management/Integ…
Adding Stages to PipelinesSummary: Trying to test the new pipeline functionality in a Gen1 TEST environment, but when I try to add a stage, I see a "Refreshing" window with no ability to add stag…
Why does Two Factor Authentication break cloning and scripting?Summary: Two factor authentication breaks Cloning and EPM Automate Content (required): An EPM Cloud platform in Oracle Identity Domain Cloud Management with 2FA enabled …
EPM Automate EmailSummary: Is there any way to change which account that the sendMail command of EPM Automate uses? A client would like it to be coming from the email account of the user …Edmund Karner 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Batch in Data Management gives a false green check when the Load Rule has failedSummary: Batch in Data Management gives a false green check when the Load Rule has failed Content (required): Batch in Data Management gives a false green check when the…
Calling Data Management REST API through scheduling PBC Groovy RuleSummary: We've built an Integration between ERP and PBC. We want to execute this integration every two hours for only a few days during a month. We want to automate this…Jeroen Goudvis 166 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Good SC&H EPM Platform and Freeform
Running EPM Automate in a Docker containerSummary: Exploring the feasibility of running EPM Automate in a Docker container. Content (required): Today we run EPM Autoamte on a VM in Azure. The VM is actually used…
Question on Batch Definition SetupSummary: Hello, I'm hoping I can get some clarification on the Batch Definition process. I have a scheduled process that kicks off a batch definition, via epm automate. …
EPM Automate - copySnapshotFromInstance - Firewall IssueSummary Getting Error - EPMAT-1:Login to source instance - Invalid Credentials.Content All, I am attempting to use copySnapshotFromInstance command but the command is fa…
EPBCS Jobs are reflecting the CST zone, rather than the PST zone the client is in.Summary: Inquisitive question from a client. Looking at his Application -> Jobs panel, all jobs are reflecting CST rather than PST. Content (required): Inquisitive quest…
sendMail command using HTML codes!Content Many of you should know the sendMail command in epmAutomate to send e-mails to recipients after completion of certain jobs. You can also also format the e-mail b…
automate start period and end period input when executing DLR in data managementSummary: Content (required): We are currently working on a custom query integration to extract data from a BI report in the ERP side using data management in ARCS. We al…
"Setting Up Passwords that Do not Expire" in the Mar-21 updateContent Hi -- Trying to find some more information around a topic I saw in the Mar-21 release notes, specifically for a new topic in the EPM Cloud Operations Guide for :…
Data Integration Event Based Business Rules - Warnings when no data to loadSummary Data Integration Event Based Business Rules - Warnings when no data to loadContent Hello, We have configured a Clear to run "Before Load" using Data Integration …
Fully Automated Cloud-based EPM Backups in OCISummary Blog post - Automating EPM Cloud backups in OCIContent Blog link The goal of this blog post is to show how to back up EPM Cloud services in Oracle Cloud Infrastr…Omar Shubeilat. 59 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Omar Shubeilat. EPM Platform and Freeform
Clone Snapshot option does not allow when the versions of the instances are differentSummary Clone Snapshot option does not allow when the versions of the instances are differentContent Hi All - Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, Clone Snapshot op…Amit Agarwal-158816 19 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Suzanne McCauley EPM Platform and Freeform