Inventory and Cost Management Analytics Cloud
Discussion List
How to Reconcile GL Account Related to Accrue on Receipt GL AccountSummary: Oracle provides a functionality to reconcile period end accruals to associated GL account ending balance. Is there a report to do the same for GL account associ…Divya Sidhaiyan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
default rule not working for Bill-to Customer Account NumberSummary: The account rule is not defaulting when we put the condition bill to customer number. "Inventory Item Identifier"(CST,S,S) = 116913-01 'And' "Bill-to Customer A…
Redwood for Costing, please share the training doc on new features and how to setup.Summary: how to enable Redwood for Costing, please share the training doc on new features and to enable. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…
How can we update the average cost of an item?Summary: Having a cost method of Perpetual average, how can we adjust/update the average costing for an item (total unit cost) shown in the UI? Content (please ensure yo…
Onhand Balance migration from EBS to CloudSummary: We are planning to Import EBS onhand into Oracle cloud using Miscellaneous Receipt Transactions. In this transaction type we need to provide charge code/offset …Santhosh kumar Munagapati 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Elton Fantini Ricardo-Oracle Costing
Item cost was considering all inventory stocks to be a common stocksSummary: There was a common stock in inventory which has the standard item cost. Then for the demand, the item was purchased for a specific-project, and it was received …
Miscellaneous Receipt transaction allowed with Negative unit cost in Average costingSummary: Hi Gurus Performed Miscellaneous Receipt transaction for items Positive quantity giving and Negative (-ve) cost in Inventory Org. The system has allowed to proc…
how to schedule draft Create accounting Process in oracleSummary: Business user wants to schedule create accounting Process as a Draft, i tried to do it yet the End date in the Parameters won't change, is there anyway to solve…
Costing - Item Cost Real Time" subject area replaced with "Costing -Standard Cost Real TimeSummary: Subject Area name and function appears to have slightly changed. We can no longer find the SA called "Costing - Item Cost Real Time", but instead it appears to …
Query to extract the Period specific Lots and Serial with Org, Item and Sub-inventory.Summary: In Oracle Fusion, when we run the "Period Inventory Valuation report", it fetches Period specific data for Org, Item and Sub-inventory. I am looking for a query…
Can FBDI template convert Component Cost (i.e. Material, Labor, Overhead)?Summary: There is a requirement For Item Cost conversion, can FBDI template convert Component Cost (i.e. Material, Labor, Overhead)? Is it possible for Average or Standa…
Impact of transaction dates for miscellaneous transactions for PMAC costing method organizationOne of our clients is using periodic average costing and the open period is Nov 23, while client wanted to perform few transactions in November itself. But while creatin…
How to round off the unit cost to two decimals in the Oracle Fusion Costing moduleSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! Is it possible to round off the Unit cost that is calculated by the cost processor to only two decimals, because currently it is calculati…
You cannot perform the operation on this record because the scenario is published (CST-2385584)Summary: I am unable to update the 'rate' in the Manage Resources Rate UI and through ADFDi spreadsheet due to the following error: 'You cannot perform the operation on …
What is difference b/w Perpetual Average, Moving Average, Weighted Average and Periodic Average CostSummary: Hello Oracle experts! Pls can anybody give us the idea about the different average costing methods and what is the difference between them or is any of them hav…
How is the cost change value calculated in the Review Item Cost screenSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! Our client is following the perpetual average costing method. How is the cost change value calculated in the Review Item Cost screen, I wa…
Capitalizable Flag in inventorySummary: where is this PJC_CAPITALIZABLE_FLAG copied from?? This column is used in costing to be used as SLA sources to derive projects related accounts For a capitaliza…Pallavi Vutharkar 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srini Raghavan-Oracle Project Management
Push receipt transactions to next open costing periodSummary: A backdated receipt transaction has been created for the previous month, the costing period for the same is closed. We need to push this backdated receipt trans…
How to post a transfer order in previous monthHi All, Our client is having a requirement where in they are checking onhand in Jan-2024 for the clearance of 2023. So as part of adjustments, they need to move material…
Inventory Valuation in Transfers between organizationsCurrently, in its regular procedures without using Oracle Cloud, the business transfers goods from one inventory organization to another. The destination inventory organ…
Transactions show excluded from accounting in Receipt Accounting Distributions related to std POSummary: We have few transactions with transaction type: Deliver To Inventory Destination and Correction To Deliver for Inventory related to standard PO "Excluded from a…
Behavior of Costing Methods with Each Type of Provisional CompletionHi Everyone, I am in search of a document or complete working examples illustrating each costing method (Perpetual Average and Periodic Average), specifically focusing o…
How to handle incorrect transactions that are failing to be accounted for, period closure?In the Inventory area, we've encountered certain transactions (e.g., PO, PO Receipt, Misc transactions, etc.) created with incorrect combinations of Project number, Lega…
How to display cost related data in Work Order Charges redwood UI in Service LogisticsSummary: How can we get the cost related data for the Work Orders and display it in the Work Order Charges redwood UI in Service Logistics. Is there any API that can be …
Deliver To Inventory Destination is coming in Receipt Accounting DistributionSummary: Deliver To Inventory Destination is coming in Receipt Accounting Distribution with status Excluded from accounting. We are not excepting Deliver To Inventory De…
API REST materialTransactionsSummary: We are using API REST fscmRestApi/resources/, sometimes(right now is more frequently), that API responds with this error Code: "…
Work Order Output Quanty is Zero, and there is no item cost for product?Summary: Work Order Output Quanty is Zero, and there is no item cost for product? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Iam Using Perpetual Aver…
Distributions weren't created for the COGS transactionSummary: Distributions weren't created for the COGS transaction. The sales order issue or RMA receipt transaction is yet to be processed in Cost Accounting. After the tr…Amasa De Silva 194 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
How to setup accounting for Expense Destination no ReceivingSummary: Client only has one Inventory Org when orders are placed using requisitions and sourced to inventory, charge account is shown from the requisition. Once picked …
Relationship between Legal Registration Unit (LRU / establishment) to Profit Center BUSummary: When an organization has multiple tax registration number for a given company or entity we establish multiple LRU and corresponding registrations. Like VAT regi…