Discussion List
ToolTip in Table data not displayingSummary: We have search page, and data is displaying using ADP variable in OJTable component. When we try to display tool tip using aria label or title it's showing blan…
How to remove the "Context Segment" field from Record external learning ESS Page.Summary: I have checked the Learn DFFs. The "Display type" under "Context Segment" is Hidden. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Fatimah Salami 778 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by pravjain19 Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Gantt Chart Auto Height on available screen sizeSummary: Gantt Chart Auto Height on available screen size Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, My Gantt Chart is displayed on screen with s…
how to stop SDP getting triggered when a value change in an arraySummary: Hi Team, We have created an array variables with around 10 data type objects as part of our requirement. We have created form and used oj-bind-for each to displ…
Is it possible to use BDP in row-expander?Summary: Implementing Row Expander Table with Load More on Scroll in ORDS API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I am working on imp…
Master Detail FormHi, Does anyone share steps to create master-detail form in VBCS. For example Projects as Master and Project Team Members as child. Projects Fields - Project Number, Sta…
Enable more information (three dots) in family and emergency contacts pageSummary: Enable more information (three dots) in family and emergency contacts page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Enable more informatio…Santhoshkumar K 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Ability to update DFF through visual uploaded excel add-inSummary: There is a requirement to update the DFFs on project tasks level. However those DFFs are not listed under layout designed in columns. Can anyone help me what I …
How to set the height of table based on data or rows and restrict max heightSummary: Hi Experts In table component below i'm having just 1 row but i want to restrict the empty space in the table component based on the rows available on the table…
Flex-field Support in VBCSSummary Is it possible to incorporate KFF or DFF in VBCSContent Do we have the ability to display Key Flex-Fields and Descriptive Flex-Fields (similar to ERP Cloud) in V…
The oj-sp-smart-filter-search page template issuesSummary: Is there any documentation on the numerous variables that are shown in this page template? When populated, the suggestionFiltersDP should probably make an API c…
How to change the Redwood styleSummary: I have created an application extension workspace to develop some custom pages. Is there any way to hide the section in black color and add components to the wh…
How can I convert a previously built app to RedWood themeSummary: Hi Experts I want to convert my previously built applications to make use of new RedWood theme, is this possible? Please share with me the steps to do the same …
Edit header and line level data in VBCSSummary: I have headers and lines for a entity.. I have created editable table on headers data to make updates. now I want to update line of header as well based on some…
After 24.10 update, BOs don't honour the default sort order of the underlying DB View/TableSummary: We have noticed that after 24.10 update, Business Objects don't honour the default sort order of the underlying DB View/Table Has anyone else noticed this latel…
redwood collapsible component i'm looking for helpSummary: Hi Experts Could you please let me know what is the name of this highlighted component in redwood . I'm unbale to find it. I want to use this component instead …
How to expose Etags from the response header of VBCS endpoints on a vbcs page ?Summary: how to access etags in custom headers since it is returning empty response header fields, or if it is possible to move the etag to the response body? Content (p…
Ratings Submission Deadline fieldSummary: Ratings Submission Deadline field is missing in the layout rule. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
Best practice to show huge data in LOV fieldSummary: Hi, We have requirement to show all Customer Account and Name column on page. Currently we have BIP report to pull data based on the input parameters entered in…
oj-sp-collection-container export optionSummary: oj-sp-collection-container has the display option to show export. However this option does not download the content Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Getting can't preview page error in VBCSSummary: Getting can't preview page error in VBCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, I am getting the below error on the VBCS page…
Update an Array from JavascriptSummary Update an Array from Javascript after assigning field values in one columnContent Hello, I create the following screen included below. I've created a function th…Stephen Bryant-131052 67 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Copy and select not happening for content within table componentSummary: Hi Experts I have a table component which gets data from service. When table get populated I want to select the content with the help of mouse and paste elsewhe…
Select multiple columns for deletionSummary: Since 4.1, it is not possible anymore to select multiple or select all columns for deletion when customizing the layout. This feature was available in 4.0 and i…
How to enter to a specific page and it is not the default one ?Summary: I have an application that has two pages (Time Machine, Time Card) and i want from Fusion to enter any page when i press on the icon of Time Machine it opens up…
how to resize column in a tableSummary: how to resize column in a table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have developed a page where we display the data in th…
Need roles to access VBCS BO endpoints alone without access to integrations/applicationsSummary: Role/Approach needed for user to access VBCS BO endpoints alone without access to integrations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi…
Navigation in redwood templateSummary: Hi All, I have recently started using Redwood template while creating VBCS application . I am looking for some help on how to implement the navigation style use…VBCS Learner-230793 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vignesh Viswanath-Oracle Visual Builder
Form layout displays a space if we use if condition to display input fields in the form layout VBCSSummary: I am displaying a form layout and I want to display the field only if there is a any value in it. But when I use
VB Studio- Table Component not visible completely without zooming out the page.Summary: We have a table component with data set as ADP. We also have Pagination associated with this table. We are unable to see the table completely without zooming ou…