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What are the privileges that count towards the metric for B91080I am trying to find a list of privileges that are counted for B91080 Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User It is …
Oracle Enterprise Contracts Vs Oracle Subscription Management CloudSummary Oracle Enterprise Contracts Vs Oracle Subscription Management CloudContent Dear Experts, Im a newbie to Cx Space and hence need some basic clarification. Can you…Sunil Dabekar 119 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Letícia Costa-Oracle Subscription Management
Communication channel options in Renewal TemplatesSummary: Does anyone have any idea how the communication channel options work in the subscription renewal template? The Manual does not mention any point on how each of …Marcelo Soler 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mariano Rodriguez-Oracle Subscription Management
How to add multiple covered levels to multiple subscriptions.Summary: How to add multiple covered levels to multiple subscriptions. We have a requirement where we need to add multiple covered levels to more than one subscription a…Neelesh Varma 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Mindruta-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Future dated termination of subscription product and renewalSummary: If a subscription product is going to be closed in a future date and this product is renewed before that date is reached and later the original line is terminat…
Price Adjustments - CPQ and Subscription ManagementSummary: If you have the CPQ to Subscription Management flow and you want to make a price adjustment (e.g. for CPI increase or a yearly increase), do you make that chang…
Create Subscription API action button on Service Request formSummary: Create Action Button in Application composer for Service request which create subscription in subscription management Content (please ensure you mask any confid…Muhammad Yahya 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Gel-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
How to find linkage between renewed subscription and older subscriptionSummary: For instance - Subscription number 123 is renewed to 456. How do we find to which subscription is subscription number 123 is renewed to ? (Can this be done thro…Neelesh Varma 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Subscription Management
Has any one integrated Subscription management cloud with Marketing Automations?Summary: Looking to understand, if anybody has integrated subscription management cloud with Marketing automation. Could you please help? Content (please ensure you mask…Prithvi Vallabha 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arturo Macias-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Subscription Renewal - conversion date according to Renewed subscription Start DateSummary: How to set the conversion date for renewed subscription Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are renewing subscription with Convers…Michal Shaked 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Tapu-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
subcription management approval mechanismWe want to create internal approval mechanism for subscription in order for a person who create subscription the supervisor should approve the subscription and without t…Muhammad Yahya 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Mindruta-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Subscription Product End Date & Closed Date , Is it start of the day (00:00:00) or end of the day?For example, the extended warranty subscription Product starts on 01-JAN-2024 and ends on 31-Dec-2024, with a covered asset. when the warranty coverage start? is it on 0…Pravin1Chaudhari 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pravin1Chaudhari Subscription Management
How can we renew on hold subscriptionsIs there a way we can renew the subscriptions which are put "On-Hold"?Anjani02 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Tapu-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Auto-renew subscriptions source/criteriaSummary: We have some subscriptions that need to have data fixes (to fix Subscription product end dates to co-term to a specific date). When we do these fixes, we curren…Raju Bhupatiraju 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Bossier-Oracle Subscription Management
Bundling in the New OM to OSS FlowSummary: Hello! In the new flow from CPQ to OIC to OM to OSS per the link below, we were wondering if bundling was now available? Overview of Integrating Order Managemen…
Bill to Contact Id and Ship to Contact Id not getting flow to AR InvoiceSummary: Bill to Contact Id and Ship to Contact Id not getting flow to AR Invoice Content (required): After the OSS Orders are created and sent to AR, the Invoice are no…Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle 124 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonatan Molossi Subscription Management
Is there a way to perform credit check during contract renewal process?Summary: Client wants to perform a credit check on the customer while renewing the subscription and prevent activation of the renewed contract in case of credit failure.…Vamika Sharma 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Gel-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Is it possible to apply a renewal pricelist for the same item on a renewal subscription?Summary: Is there a way that the type of subscription (new vs renewal) can be used to designate one pricing strategy vs another? Content (please ensure you mask any conf…Vamika Sharma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Mindruta-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Enable Renewal RemindersSummary: We currently have renewal reminders setup to go out and have a renewal template that sets the "Enable Renewal Reminders" flag on all draft subscriptions that ar…
Renewal Forever checkbox - New feature in 23A QuestionSummary: I have a few questions regarding the "Renewal Forever" feature: Is there comprehensive documentation available that explains how this feature operates? If we se…
Creating Customer while creating SubscriptionSummary: We are pushing subscription from EBS to Subscription cloud. Can we do this as follows: if the customer is not there, it will first create the customer in subscr…Sam Samaddar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ed Gomez-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
How to switch off the notification email, confirming activation of subscription.Summary: Activation Notification switsching off Content (required): How to switch off the notification email, confirming activation of subscription?Thanks Version (inclu…Elena O 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexandra Rabaea-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
How to carry the custom attribute value to the autorenewed contract in SMC.Summary: Need to carry over the value of a custom attribute to the autorenewed contract in SMC. Content (required): Ex: There is a custom attribute Quote Number on the c…rkbytes 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Deshpande-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Possibility to change BU for Renewed extended warranty contract from Included Warranty ContractSummary: BU for Renewed extended warranty contract from Included Warranty Subscription Contract Content (required): In our implementation, the assets get shipped from on…
Synchornize Dates on Subscription Product to Covered LevelSummary: If we change start/end date at product level. We need to automatically sync the dates at cover level. Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…
Renewal Control on Subscription levelSummary: How to default value to the "renewal Control/Next Renewal Settings" fields in a new Subscription? Content (required): We setup a 'Renewal Rule Template' and ass…Michal Shaked 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrei Ursachel-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Need FBDI process to update bulk assets in Subscription ModuleSummary: Is there any process to update bulk assets in Subscription Module. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet …
Ability to use actionable buttons on Renewal notification EmailsSummary: Business wants to have the ability to send renewal notification emails for subscription, with actionable buttons. So that the customer can accept/reject the ren…KrishnakumarPathipati 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arturo Macias-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
How to set default Line Number as a Display sequence number.Summary: Hello Team, We have requirement to set the default line number as the display sequence number in the subscription module. Could please help me how to set defaul…PMANNEM 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Oscar Milan-Support-Oracle Subscription Management