Release Updates
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On OPT-IN page there are 2 options to enable Lease Amortization Schedules Extract. Which one to use?Summary: In 25A, there is a new feature called Lease Amortization Schedules Extract. On New Features OPT-IN page there are 2 options to enable Lease Amortization Schedul…
💡New RELEASE for LEASE ACCOUNTING: Periodic Compound Interest Calculations in 24DSummary: Periodic Compound Interest Calculations in 24D and Later Releases Content: Lease accounting, in accordance with IFRS 16 and ASC 842, calculates the right-of-use…
Oracle Lease Accounting Workflow Config Not working after 24B DeploymentWe set up the Lease Accounting Workflow for our environment based on the Approval group. However, we have noticed that after the deployment of Oracle 24B, the custom Wor…
Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Scripts + Business Process ModelSummary: Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Script + Process Flow Content (required): We are looking at replacing our legacy system for Lease with Oracle Lease Accounting, an…
Calculation basis Oracle uses for arriving at Short Term and Long Term reclassification amountsSummary: 1. What is the calculation basis Oracle uses for arriving at Short Term and Long Term reclassification amounts? (During initial reclassification and subsequent …
List of attributes available for Lease Approval?Summary: What are the available attributes for Lease approvals? We also saw on another post the following is available from 24B but we are unable to see those attributes…Janitha Perera 59 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Is there a Fusion Lease Accounting equivalent for the EBS Property Manager Variable Rent feature?Summary: The client is transitioning from Oracle EBS to Oracle Fusion Cloud and they have a lease management/administration requirement involving supporting the calculat…
Purchase of Property through PO and linking it to a Lease?Summary: Hi, Our customer is currently having practice where they raise a Purchase Order to purchase properties and they will budget for the ROU account which is the PO …
In case of Forex Lease- Net ROU is recalculating with Amendment Commencement Date Effective RateSummary: In case of Forex Lease- Net ROU is recalculating with Amendment Commencement Date Effective Rate Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Update Fusion Lease Contract status using APIsHi Team, We have a case for our customer that they have an external lease application which manage approval cycle between lessor and lessee and after the final approval …
Revenue Lease Property CombinationSummary: I am unable to use the same property type to create a different combination of property name and property level due to an error. Need to know the cause for the …
Is there any way that we can handle Loan Payments on Lease Accounting module?Summary: Is there any possibility that we can use lease accounting module to handle Loan Payments? As we have the interest and amortization calculations as well? If poss…
IS GASB 87 available for Revenue LeaseSummary: Hello. I have a requirement to use Revenue Lease according to GASB 87. Moreover, I want my revenue lease to incorporate and interest amount too. I went through …
Revenue Lease PropertiesSummary: When creating a Revenue Lease Asset, a Property is mandatory. Are there any instructions on how to create the Properties? I see that you can use the FBDI and I …
Forex Lease Accounting for Termination is happening at termination date exchange rateLease Booking Exchange Rate = 4 Termination Date Exchange Rate = 3.5 HI All, We have booked new lease at 4 Exchange Rate and ROU and lease liability is caluclated at tha…
Unable to view approval rule in BPM worklist post 23B release.Summary: Post 23B the BPM worklist has to be managed in a spreadsheet. However post upload how do we view the approval rules in BPM. It is no longer available for editin…Kavita Shah 84 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Haripriya-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
What does Lease Amendments for Scope Increases at Standalone Price opt-in doSummary: Could you please clarify what should we expect when we enable Lease Amendments for Scope Increases at Standalone Price opt-in. I can already submit a lease amen…
Revenue Lease Created and Import AutoInvoice going into an errorSummary: Revenue Lease Created and Import AutoInvoice going into an error Content (required): I have created a Revenue Lease and it is in a finalized status. After it I …
Is Invoicing rule feature available in Lease Revenue ?Summary: Does Fusion Lease Revenue support Invoicing rule feature in 23D or is this in the roadmap ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
Lease Impairment Function Does Not Create AccountingSummary: We created a lease impairment transaction, but the transaction has not been accounted for in the GL and shows as unprocessed transaction. Content (required): Cr…
Revenue Payment TemplateSummary: Looking for documentation on creating Revenue Payment Templates. Specifically, what are the functions of the Distributions; Accrued Asset, Receivables, Receivab…Neal Foley 81 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Lease Present Value CalculationSummary Lease Present Value CalculationContent 1. Where can I find the formula for PV calculation. The system calculation is not coming back to our excel sheet calculati…
Provision on leasesSummary: Is it possible to record a provision (e.g. onerous lease provision) against a lease ? Content (required): My organization has a requirement to record provisions…
Lease ModuleSummary: Hello all, Is Lease module is available on 21D? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snipp…
Is there an updated roadmap that can be provided for the Lease Accounting module?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Difference Between Lease Accounting module and the Lease Asset Option in Fixed AssetsSummary We currently do not have lease accounting turned on and we've been looking to implement it. I notice there seem to be 2 modules to handle it: Fixed Assets and Le…
Lease Accounting to comply IFRS 16Content I am keen to understand the functionalities available in Lease Accounting. We have looked at it couple of years ago where we felt it was not fitting to our requi…