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Split HCM instance from non HCM instanceSummary: Split HCM instance from non HCM instance Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! This question is about the requireme…
An attribute in the rule has a null value.Hi, We have a requirement that the transaction should go for an approval when there is a change in employee's country or region, this is working fine when we edit the ex…Karthikeya Nagireddy 185 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya_udaya Human Capital Management
Unable to see address attributesHello, I cannot see the contract attributes (For example: Address Line 1, Postal Code, City). How can I solve this problem? Thanks, Annapia
Approvals - 2 levels of approvals, skipping the 2nd once if it reaches a certain grade.Summary: What is the best way to set up an approval rule which goes to 2 levels of management hierarchy but if 2nd approver is above a certain grade it auto approves, th…
Can't search employees in the Employment infoHello experts, Our search bar in the employment info is not working, but if you go to Advanced Search, the employee is showing Why is it that it's not showing in the sea…Maria Cristina L. San Jose 105 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Guillaume SAVALL Human Capital Management
Can we make done button active for Application task in journeys without clicking link?Summary: Can we make done button active for Application task in journeys without clicking link? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we mak…
Person Management : Search Person PrivilegeSummary: Hi Team, I am working on creating a custom role so that user is able to edit person details under Person Management. I created a custom Role by taking Human Res…
Employees are able to apply Qualified Entitlements leaves even their remaining balance is zero.Summary: Hi, Employees are able to apply Qualified Entitlements leaves even their remaining balance is zero. We would like to restrict employees not to apply absence if …
Redwood - Resignation from Employee Notification DateSummary: We have enabled V3 termination and have enabled redwood pages for resignation and termination, in responsive page you have the ability to make notification date…Sahil Mahajan-Oracle 7 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Sahil Mahajan-Oracle Human Capital Management
Change Personal Information WorkflowSummary Multiple Approval rules for Change Personal Information pageContent Hi All, Greetings..! We are trying to configure multiple rules on Change Personal information…Pradeep Badiganti-171537 366 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Rafee Patnam Human Capital Management
24D - Absence Type Configuration for BPM Task ExpirationCurrently we are using only one approval rule for absence like 1=1 and approval required by line manager and expiration is set as do nothing. When it comes to this new f…
AOR without a top departmentSummary: AOR without a top department Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, if an employee has an AOR with responsibility scope D…
As an associate Legal Reporting Unit Legal Entity Reporting EstablishmentsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Why do I have an empty LEGALENTITYID in the HR_ORGANIZATION_V ORG table, while I have the collabo…
Fusion OTL - How to disable Scheduled Hours and Deviations ?We are using classic OTL layouts - I would like to hide the Report totals fields, especially, Scheduled Hours and Schedule Deviations fields from Page layout. It seems I…
CEO Workflow Approval rule failing as there is no Manager for CEOSummary: We configured different workflow rule conditions for Line Manager, Second Level Manager, HROPS, HRBPs and CEO. The CEO rule is failing as CEO is top Level in th…
How to enable DFF assignment attributes in Redwood pages using VB studioSummary: Summary: In Redwood Promote transaction, we are able to see Legislative assignment attributes but not DFF in VB studio - Assignment Attributes. We see there is …
Can't assign security profile to Custome role- RedwoodSummary: I am trying to assign security profile to role it shows empty message Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…
Add pending worker error messageSummary: Hello, One of our users facing an error essage when submitting the Add WK process. The error message is the following I assumed that the error was from the sele…
How can we not have multiple supervisors of same manager type ?Summary: As per the current feature, we cannot have multiple line managers. But, we have a custom manager type which is known as administrator. But we are able to add mu…
Is there a wildcard character that can be used in EL Expression?We currently have 11 security roles with a role name starting with HP_FDI. We'd like to use an EL Expression to make an icon visible only to users with any one of these …Laura Wangen 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
VBS Clear Client Caches button - QuestionsSummary: Hello, I have some questions related to the "Clear client caches" in the Advances tab in Visual Builde. When should we use it, if yes for what purposes ? Is it …
Delete Assignment: Approvals In Progress Transaction Console shows as Completed and In ProgressSummary: Delete Assignment: Approvals In Progress Transaction Console shows as Completed and In Progress Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): H…Hazel Hernandez 36 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Hazel Hernandez Human Capital Management
BIP_CLIENT_REFRESH_TIME_HCM profile option is not visibleBIP_CLIENT_REFRESH_TIME_HCM profile option is not available to view. How to make it visible
Mass end date of members within the Resource RoleSummary: We have to end date all the members within the specific Resource Roles. However, I couldn't find any documentation related on how to mass end-date them. Could y…
Unable to see Custom Seniority DatesHello, I have created two Seniority Dates Custom: But when I launch the “Calculate Seniority Dates” process, I can't see them. I can only see the Standard Seniority Date…
BPM Sequential Approvals Expiration PolicyHello Team, Business has decided to implement Expiration policy to the Change Working Hours task. The rule has been setup as sequential, and the goal is: if the 1st appr…
BPM Worklist Escalation email subject not deriving correctly and workflow unwanted ExpirySummary: BPM Worklist Escalation email subject not deriving correctly and workflow getting Expired. We have done configuration in Deadline section, but it's not working …
Departments visibilitySummary: Hello everyone, We are experiencing a problem with the display of departments with a future date. We have created a department with a future date (e.g. 31.01.20…
User having access to Transaction Console but unable to see Failed TransactionsSummary: Admin User is unable to see Failed transactions in Transaction Console Content (required): Tools> Transaction Console Version (include the version you are using…
How do I add the Worker's Current Salary Manager and Worker's Proposed Salary Manager?Summary: On the Manage Employment screen the employee has been assigned both a Line Manager and Salary Manager. So I am expecting to see an Approval Chain Of for both th…