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How to update Time Event request Posted Using rest end point
Hi All,
Has anyone tried updating Time event requests posted using Rest API.
Time record event request: Url/hcmRestApi/resources/
Request Body:
"processInline": "N",
"processMode": "TIME_SUBMIT",
"timeRecordEvent": [
"startTime": "2023-06-01T07:00:00.000-00:00",
"stopTime": "2023-06-01T015:00:00.000-00:00",
"reporterIdType": "PERSON",
"reporterId": "YP523523",
"comment": "",
"operationType": "ADD",
"timeRecordEventAttribute": [
"attributeName": "PayrollTimeType",
"attributeValue": "ZRegular Base Pay"
"attributeName": "ORGCost Center",
"attributeValue": "523523"
} ] } ]
Once this request is posted , how do you update the request using Rest calls. is it possible to update or delete using rest API ?
If possible what is the format.