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Condition the status field according to the category of an SR

Good afternoon,

I want to find a way to condition the list of selectable SR statuses based on the category of the SR.

Example: I have the following statuses configured:
1_ New
2_ In progress
3_ On hold
4_ Resolved
5_ Closed
6_ Pending repair

So, what I want is that, if the category of an SR is: "Hardware", the possible status options are:
1_ New
2_ In progress
3_ On hold
4_ Resolved
5_ Closed
6_ Pending repair

And if the category is different from Hardware, only the following are eligible:
1_ New
2_ In progress
3_ On hold
4_ Resolved
5_ Closed

What possible options are there to do this? Which would be the most practical and easy to maintain? Is there a way to configure these business rules in a standard?

Howdy, Stranger!

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