Possible? Show "Fill Inbox" command only if Inbox is empty (no unresolved incidents assigned)
Dear Community,
I have a question please.
Is it possible to show the record command "Fill inbox" in a custom report "My Incidents" (Inbox) only, if the inbox contains no unresolved incidents anymore?
For example:
Profile's Pull Policy: First due
Profile's Pull Quantity: 10
Inbox Limit: 10
1) "My Incidents" (Inbox) is empty.
2) Agent clicks on the report's ribbon "Fill Inbox".
3) "My Incidents" shows 10 unresolved incidents assigned to the agent.
4) Because of the unresolved incidents the "Fill Inbox" button on the ribbon is greyed out and does not work.
5) The Agent solved all 10 Incidents. While he is working on incidents the "Fill Inbox" is greyed out and does not work.