Help with Report Filter Expression for Exception
Hi All,
We're trying to write an exception in a report, to show the row in yellow, when the below criteria is met. However, we're constantly getting the error "Expressions for comparison operators must be same type. Expressions for logical operators must be Booleans".
I’ve broken down the expression in the report filtering and it seems to only error when "contacts.Customer$DOB < 01/04/2001" is included added in.
Our filter criteria is as follows.
if(Customer$Offering.CourseNumber LIKE '%ICT40915%' | Customer$Offering.CourseNumber LIKE '%ICT40815%' | Customer$Offering.CourseNumber LIKE '%ICT40115%',
if(contacts.Customer$DOB < 01/04/2001 & Customer$ = 0 & (contacts.c$residential_status = 46 | contacts.c$residential_status =47 | contacts.c$residential_status =49 | contacts.c$residential_status =48) & (Customer$e.nsw = 1 | contacts.prov_id = 61), 1, 0)))