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How to do a Top Down Forecast in Bottom Up AppSummary: Content (required): We currently have all our forecasting as bottom up. I was recently asked to do out years at a high level account and entity rollups. What is…
Solutions to errors that occur during drill-through in Smart View① In Smart View, select a cell with a value, right-click, and select "Drill-through". ② From the drill-through web screen, select "Sorce-Amount" for the end account (N21…
How “Data Load Settings” affect other functionsNavigator>Integration>Data Load Settings We have confirmed that “Data Load Settings” can be configured by a user with “User” privileges, which is an end user in Planning…
How to set up Drill Back to SourceSummary: I have a Planning instance with a Data Integration that pulls in Data from an FCC instance. I would like for the "drill through to source" option in workbench t…
Steps Required to Purge Employees in Production Environment (Go-Live)Summary: Hi, Currently, we are able to execute one scheduled process to purge the employees in non-prod instances (Dev, Uat, Test, Parallel) by using "Purging Person Dat…
Advice on new SECURE 2.0Summary: The SECURE Act 2.0 introduces significant changes to 401(k) plans, including requirements for the catch-up contribution portion. I wanted to check if Oracle has…
How to extract user report by EPM instance via Console IAM ?Hello All, We need to export the list of all users per instance. Before migration to OCI, we could use the APIs and export the list of users per instance, so we could co…
Currency Exchange Integration in NSPBSummary: In NSPB, the attached rule is scheduled to run every night to copy FX rates from No Scenario to Actual and Forecast. But, if the FX rates are changed in NetSuit…
Export Mode for Seamless metadata integration to delete existing member from hieararchyFor seamless metadata integration, we have requirement to remove existing member from hierarchy using integration only. For better understanding giving an example. Let's…
Smart View Crashes Excel - Version 24.100Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am the NSPB admin for my company and have Smart View version 24.100 installed. It continually c…
What is WebView2 in smart View HealthCheckSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is WebView2 in smart View HealthCheck? What is it used for? What happens if I disable it? Ve…
Is there any function which can be used in groovy script for suppressing the Zero value record rowsSummary: EPBCS to PowerPlan export file generating rows for which data is 0 in all the months. Check if there is a function which can be used in groovy script to suppres…
Set up a Batch in Data ExchangeSummary: How to set up an existing Data Management Batch in Data Exchange Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a batch in DM used to imp…
Fusion to EPM Particular series accounts data is not getting PulledDear Experts, We are fetching actuals data from Fusion ERP. Connection to Fusion is successful. We are able to fetch data for 1, 2 & 3 series accounts from Fusion but un…
Create Dependent User Defined LOV In ESS Job Using SQL QueryDevelopers have a requirement where they have to create a dependent LOV based on the first LOV selected, using SQL queries. Developers have a requirement where they have…
Is there a way that Supplemental calculation can pick up the shortness from the Regular calculation.Summary: Hi All, The payroll calculation set up for Regular paycheck and Supplemental paycheck are default to calculate separately. In the case of low regular earning, s…Eswar Kishore 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Eswar Kishore Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Embedded Rule Not Running in Data ExchangeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a batch set up in data management/data exchange. For one batch job there are two business …
How often does the Jobs Console get cleared?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I checked my jobs console today and it only has the last 24 hours. I am sure that I have seen it …
Is EPM Automate Compatible with MS Azure Windows Server 2022Summary: Hi experts, Currently we have a OCI windows server where we have all our EPMAutomate related scripts Artifact snapshot backups, etc. Now the plan is to migrate …
In EPM Planning Capital, is it possible to adjust depreciation by period?Is it possible to adjust the depreciation of an asset if its life is extended or shortened so that the catchup depreciation is placed into a single period without custom…
How to import data into Target Quota measure directly in sales planningWe wanted to see the target quota in the sales planning instead of actuals.I am trying to load the Target Quota data into OQP_Target Quota Measure .To load this data wha…
Remove segment label 'Second balancing segment' from a segment post go liveSummary: In existing COA structure, department is assigned as second balancing segment. Can balancing segment label be removed from department segment after system is li…ShilpiGhosh2024 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Rinaldi-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
Report with Multiple Prompts or Current POVSummary: I want the user to be able to select their POV for more than one dimension. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to create …
Consequences & Timeline of Enabling the ENVIRONMENTS FROM NON-HYBRID ESSBASE VERSION TO HYBRIDSummary: Please provide me with the information on what are the consequences and the timeline to enable the environments to Hybrid essbase version. Also, the mandatory p…
Making choice between a new Cube vs new app to implement new business processesSummary: We are facing situation where the current app size is big and we are going to implement further processes to support forecasting and these new processes will ha…
Booking & Target Attribution for Manager/Parent Member in Resource Planning Model in Sales PlanningSummary: We are using Resource Planning Model; the Resource dimension follows the hierarchy outlined below: All Resources Chief Commercial Officer General Manager Sales …
List the user in the JobsSummary: How do I show the user on a Job Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In the Jobs recent activity list, can I set it to show the user? …
how to create custom tabs in the sales planning reportSummary: I have created a custom form to view in the report but I was not able to view it.Please provide any documentation if avialable. Content (please ensure you mask …
CurrentPOV not AvailableSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Reports, I don't see CurrentPOV in the function list. Is there some setting I need to turn on?…
In quota planning where can we see the imported data for Actuals?Summary: After importing the Revenue Actuals Data successfully into the system.Where can we see the data in the system. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …