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What functionalities in DBCS I might lose access to after the support period expires on Sep 30, 24?Summary: Hi Experts, I need your help, please. There is a customer running Oracle Database Enterprise Edition on DBCS in OCI. The customer is concerned about so…Bryan Diaz Dreyfus-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bryan Diaz Dreyfus-Oracle Database
Getting Job Id of DBMS Job in Oracle 12cSummary: We have created a DBMS job to schedule specific PLSLQ procedures. We want to get the Job Id in the PLSQL procedure that is invoked by the same. Main intention i…
OEM 13c - Installation with OMS active/active load balancingSummary: Got a customer requirement to install OEM 13c - Active/Active on a load balanced OMS Content (required): We want some clarification on configuring the load bala…
Does DB Management support PDB?Summary: Hi, I was setting up DB Management with DBCS, and CDB was successfully shown on dashboard as follows. It is great to have all the capabilities of SQL monitoring…
OCI – What’s New with Oracle Database Technologies in Oracle CloudContent Submit your questions for the OCI – What’s New with Oracle Database Technologies in Oracle Cloud session to have them answered during the live event. Post your q…
Monitoring PaaS db system'sSummary Best practice solutions for monitoring PaaS db systemsContent Hi All, We are looking to migrate on-prem DEV, RLSE, PROD and DR to PaaS DB systems VM's for 19c an…
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Interrupt task is already scheduled for the thread and the type SO_Content When using an older jdbc driver (ojdbc6- and when a query times out, we will get a SQLTimeoutException. However, when using the ojdbc8.jar (18.3) …
Do ojdbc8.jar supports connectivity to Oracle 12c, 11g & 10g databases?Content Using ojdbc8.jar we connect to autonomous databases. Will it provides backward compatibility to older versions?
How to monitor databases created using user managed DB systems like the same way we do for autonomouContent For monitoring Oracle Autonomous databases, we use SummarizeMetricsData API to collect the metrics listed here (…
Few Database metrics are not populating the valuesContent I have tried connecting to Autonomous database with wrong credent…
Unable to connect to Autonomous data warehouse database where I am able to connect to Autonomous traContent I think this is weird. I am trying to connect to Autonomous databases from java application and also using SQL developer. ATP database final static String DB_URL…
Not able to connect to Autonomous database using Oracle SQL developerContent I am getting the below error: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Any inputs?
How to connect to Autonomous Database from Java Application?Content I have referred this article Referred Sam…
What is the difference between dataStorageSizeInTBs and usedDataStorageSizeInTBs ?Content As per the doc, definitions are as below: dataStorageSizeInTBs - The quantity of data in the database, in terabytes. usedDataStorageSizeInTBs - The amount of sto…
monitor DBaaS instance via command lineSummary monitor DBaaS instance via command lineContent Hello, Can we monitor DBaaS instances via command line i.e. I don't want to login to the GUI console to check whet…
What type of health check should we do when be restart database?Summary What type of health check should we do when be restart database?Content Hi We are OMCS hosted client and the bounce of Oracle EBS database is done by the on-dema…