BI Publisher
Discussion List
How can we Restrict Users to Access data on OTBI/UI, particularly to those projects they assigned ?Summary: We have created a Custom Role to the Senior Projects Managers to view access on OTBI from """How Can Non Project Managers Access Review Project Performance Dash…
JournalEntryReserveLedgerSummary: I am trying to customize the report Journal Entry Reserve Ledger and when I am trying to save the data model (JournalEntryReserveLedgerDm), I am getting pop up …JATIN_SINGHAL-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Need query to get asset details as mentioned in the summarySummary: Hi, There is an asset which is placed in service in Jan-24.Suppose there is an amount adjustment done in Aug-24 to the asset and in oct-24 life in months adjust…
Privilege or Duty role to run any Custom or seeded ESS JobSummary: Privilege or Duty role to run/submit any Custom or seeded ESS Job. I am aware it is present in Application Implementation Consultant Role. Content (please ensur…V P Aravind 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandru Dicu-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
SQL Query for Fixed Asset YTD DepreciationSummary: Hello, We have a customized Oracle BI Publisher Report for Fixed Asset's YTD Depreciation. Our business requirement is that : When an asset is fully depreciated…
Hide Custom ESS Job Parameters LOV Seach FieldsHello, As the client requirement, we create a Custom ESS Job to run a BI Publisher Report. For this report, we need a few parameters, and for two of these parameters, ex…
BI Publisher is limited in Storage?Summary: Does anyone know, What is the maximum volume of gigabytes that can be stored in different file formats? Regards, Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Mass addition approval notification is not showing details of assets in the groupSummary: We are uploading multiple assets with ADFDi. When the approver is getting the approval notification part of mass approval, he is able to see only the total amou…
FA to GL Reconciliation Report at Asset Category (Capital Asset Rollforward Report)Hi Team We are building a custom report to reconcile FA cost and Accumulated depreciation balances between FA and GL, at the Asset Category level.. We are facing few cha…
Display location segment Value description in FA OTBI ReportSummary: Hi, in the 3 subject areas related to FA, only we can see the location segment code. we have a requirement to display the code description as well. but I cannot…
Fixed Asset Clearing Account Reconciliation ReportSummary: Hi, The business users have a critical audit requirement to identify the reconciled and unreconciled balanced in their FA Clearing Accounts. Debit entries to th…
Do we have unplanned depreciation report in Fusion Fixed assets ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…PL Karthick Ramanathan 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
How to place the extract of a job sets which is using a seeded report "Asset Cost Reserve Report".I have created a job sets which will be running in parallel using the same report, but with different parameters. The only delivery channels present are Fax, Printers, E…
Fixed asset Subledger report - providing the location information of an assetSummary: We are in a need of a Fixed asset Subledger report - providing the location information of an asset and tying to a general ledger for a given period - is there …Dhruvjoshi23 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Printing Asset barcode on RFID label form Oracle Fusion by using Zebra RFID printerSummary: We got a requirement to print a barcode on RFID label using Zebra printer for new assets. Let us know whether this is achievable or not in oracle fusion.
Solution for Fixed Asset Rollforward (Asset and Tax Books)Summary: My Company has put a lot of effort and resources into developing a Fixed Asset rollforward in Oracle, which is a standard fixed assets report utilized across al…
"Asset Cost and Reserve Report" csv extract size limit exceedingHi Team, I had scheduled "Asset Cost and Reserve Report" once for a single country and for a single period. The delivery channel is email. I'm getting the below error: D…
Property Tax Report - Unable to modify Asset State ParameterSummary: Hi , PFB details - 1) We want to pass 'All' Values in Asset State Parameter of Property Tax Report. However, by default there is no option to select 'All values…
How to transfer the extract of a job set which is using a seeded report "Asset Cost Reserve Report".I have created a job set which will be running in parallel using the same report, but with different parameters. The only delivery channels present are Fax, Printers, Em…
Report to reflect latest asset locationSummary: Report pulling through a line per location, even if it was updated Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We currently have an OTBI repo…
Not able to see parameters in job "Asset Cost and Reserve Report" definitionWhen I am trying to schedule the above job( using a oracle seeded report ), parameters are visible and I can select form LOV. But I am not able to see any parameters def…
How to get asset register report in a single Excel spreadsheet?Summary: Currently assets are reported in Asset Register in separate Excel spreadsheets in one workbook. We have million of assets and this format is not usable for us. …Sohail M.-Oracle 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Can ESS job Asset Register Report combine in one sheet?Summary: ESS job Asset Register ⇒ Asset Register Report split single asset in a single sheet. Is there any way to combine them into one sheet? Version (include the versi…
Is there any Seeded report which gives, Depreciation expense account and location in fixed AssetsIs there any seeded report in Oracle fusion fixed assets, which gives depreciation expense account and location details for assets?PL Karthick Ramanathan 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Approval for posting of assets.Summary: Hello Team, We have a requirement Current functionality indicates that when an asset is changed from the New status to post status, there's a need for that proc…
asset by locationSummary: Fixed Asset report with financial and location details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For State/Corporate Income Tax reporting r…
Need a SQL query to fetch CIP asset and Capitalized assets separatelyHi All, We need a sql query to fetch details of CIP assets columns are Asset number, asset type, period name, asset id, cost Capitalized asset columns Asset number, asse…
Invoice Amount Calculation on Agreement Life CycleSummary: Does anyone know how the invoice amount on the Agreement Life Cycle is calculated? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using the…Jill Larson 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen/Oracle Support-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Without Data Access set, how can a Project Manager with seeded "Project Manager" Role view Data ?Summary: Need to know, how can a Seeded "Project Manager" Role assigned to Project Manager for a project can have all the access without any Data Access set assigned at …SRIRAMULA RAJKUMAR 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by SRIRAMULA RAJKUMAR Project Management
Fixed Assets - Report to Find if Assets have "Amortize Adjustment" flag checkedWe are creating a +$0.01 adjustment followed by a -$0.01 adjustment in the fixed assets module for every asset in order to have the “amortize adjustment” flag checked wi…