Discussion List
Manage Eligibility Profiles for Absence PlansSummary Manage Eligibility Profiles for Absence PlansContent Hi We have an eligibility Profile where we needed to add an Assignment DFF to determine Eligibility. When we…
Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Factors for ASummary Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Factors for Absence Plans?Content Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Fac…
Absence Type Validation Fast Formula : Seeded RuleSummary Order of execution of seeded rule and custom Absence Type Validation Fast FormulaContent Hello Experts, Here is my understanding, when we submit an absence there…
Can we set aplhanumeric code as initial value for automatically generated worker numbersSummary Can we set aplhanumeric code as initial value for automatically generated worker numbersContent Can we set aplhanumeric code as initial value for automatically g…Vaibhav DL 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Workforce Management
Dynamic Negative LimitSummary Dynamic Negative Limit for an Accrual PlanContent Hello Experts, We are implementing Time and Absence for a customer. Their requirement is that the ability to go…
Balance Validation for Qualifications Plans ( FMLA )Summary Usage of FF to Validate the Balance for FMLA absense type before submissionContent Hello Experts, Request you suggestions to handle the below scenario. When an e…
Earned Leave : Post Accrual on the First day of the Next Accrual PeriodSummary Post Accrual on the First day of the Next Accrual Period for a yearly accrual periodContent Hello Gurus, Request you thoughts. Thank you. We are implementing Tim…
ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE not returning the last date of leaveSummary Using ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE to retrieve last date of leave-but it is not doing soContent Need to validate ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE in a Fast formula... But,this d…
ASummary LContent lPrashant Thakker-39466 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Thakker-39466 Workforce Management
Scheduling of NotificationsSummary Possibility of sending notifications once a weekContent Is it possible to schedule particular notifications (e.g. Time Card approval) every Saturday at a given t…
Roster based attendanceSummary Configuration of Roster based attendanceContent Hi All, Is there a possibility to define rosters on fusion application and assign them to workers? I have come ac…Achala Munasinghe 113 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-23-28-110 Workforce Management
Approval Notification For Terminated EmployeeSummary Approval Notification For Employee Timecards With Line Manager MissingContent Hello Experts, Request your help. When an employee is terminated, the terminated ro…
How to regularize the time entry data's which is loaded through HDLSummary How to regularize the time entry data's which is loaded through HDLContent Hi All, How to regularize the time entry data's which is loaded through HDL. Is it pos…User_2025-01-29-01-27-20-754 53 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-01-27-20-754 Workforce Management
Creating Custom Profile Options In HCM Cloud to Meet Cusomization NeedsSummary Creating Custom Profile Options In HCM Cloud to Meet Cusomization NeedsContent Before we start to have a deep-dive into Profile Options let-us try to understand …
Defaulting Schedule Absence PageSummary Defaulting Schedule Absence Page with Absence Type and making it read onlyContent Team, We are exploring the possibility of using Schedule Absences to process on…
Restricting Managers from Creating VacanciesSummary Manager should not create vacancies however the vacancies should be uploaded during the start of the yearContent Hi, Since Taleo does not support the manpower bu…User_2025-01-28-07-12-49-734 43 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management