Category 52
Discussion List
Correct Employment Details: Intermittent PageHello community When I try to correct the employee's employment information, the Redwood page goes into error, the fields start “blinking” and I can't change anything Th…
Can anyone clarify the process for HR to update an employee's English Name?Summary: The process for HR to update an employee's English name . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Steps to update the employee's English …
The 'When and Why' section on Add a Contingent Worker Redwood page is duplicating.Summary: The 'When and Why' section on Add a Contingent Worker Redwood page is duplicating, as seen in the attached screenshot. Any input related to this behavior of the…
Job Details section is not loading in historical changes on Employment Info page.Summary: When you go to the historical changes section in employment info tab job details are not visible, it was supposed to be fixed in 25A but is not yet fixed. @Volo…
Error while changing position in the redwood page.Summary: Issue with position update of redwood page. @Volodymyr Faranosov: Can you please let us know by when will this be resolved Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Unable to hide the 'Info to Include' section on Redwood Hire an Employee pageSummary: We are unable to hide the 'Info to Include' section on Redwood Hire an Employee page even after configuring page properties and marking 'Show Info to Include' s…
Is it possible to hide "Enter Local Name" checkbox in Hire an Employee/Contingent Worker pagesSummary: Is it possible to hide "Enter Local Name" checkbox in Personal Details section and Family and Emergency Contacts section for Hire an Employee/Add a Contingent W…Anshuman Chatterjee 113 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla Human Capital Management
How Oracle HCM Cloud Licenses Are ConsideredHey guys, Could you please let me know which criteria are taken into account for counting Oracle HCM Cloud Licenses used in each module? For example: Active Users, Users…
Disable position synchronizationSummary: Can't Disable position synchronization. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, My client requests to disable position synchroniz…Amit Albalak 9 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sorina Radutu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to set Berlin as a time zone in Oracle HCM, or is only Warsaw available?Summary: With the profile option FND_TIMEZONE, it’s currently only possible to select Warsaw. However, the customer would prefer to have it set to Berlin instead. Is the…Melinda Germann-Oracle 6 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melinda Germann-Oracle Human Capital Management
Issue with searching new hire after 25AHI, After 25 A patch is applied in lower environments, we are facing an issue in searching new hires. After every new hire created in lower environments we need to the E…
Redwood Pages and Visual Builder Studio Customizations - Reinstate the Original Redwood PageHello All, We have been migrating Responsive page customizations to Redwood pages. Also, some of the customizations we have started doing in VB studio tool. Sometimes, w…
Redwood How to remove the 'Source Assignment Status' field from Redwood 'Add Assignment'Summary: Within Redwood 'Add Assignment' 'When and Why' screen we have a new additional field 'Source Assignment Status' appearing when we choose 'Temporary' in the 'Wil…
Worked Examples for Page Composer - StylesHi Team, Where can we find some worked Examples for Page Composer Personalization's for Style & Content Style. Regards, Mastan.
Font and Color Changes to Redwood PagesHi All, Currently, we are in 24D and moving to 25A. Customer wants to make some Font and Color changes for Redwood Pages. Is it possible through VBS or any other way? I …
RPI (Remove Person Information) process completes in warning for terminated employeesSummary: RPI (Remove Person Information) process completes in warning for terminated employees with error message as "List of Person Numbers Rejected by the Data Disposa…
How to remove "Add assignee" action, "Edit" button and Attachment in notification approval?Summary: How to remove "Add assignee" action, "Edit" button and Attachment in notification approval? Content (required): Hello, we removed from BPM all the action availa…
error while entering and saving Family and Emergency contact information in RedwoodSummary: We are getting error when we try to save the contact information in Family and Emergency contact Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Transaction Console blank for all users after 25ASummary: Transaction Console blank for all users after 25A Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi - a customer I support has an issue where Tr…
Demographic Information not visible in Embedded application taskSummary: We are trying to explore the Embedded Application Tasks within Journeys. All the Personal Details tasks are accessible except Demographic Information. the Task …
Redwood- Document of Record Context value is not readonlySummary: We have observed that If Document of Record has context value linked to Document type, then it is appearing as Read only in RUI, however in redwood its editable…Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla 6 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Tirumala Priya Gonuguntla Human Capital Management
Redwood Cancel Work Relationship with Direct ReportsSummary: Hi Experts, I would like to get some insight on the below questions - For Managers with Direct Reports Cancel Work Relationship shows all the history of reports…
Limit Assignment Status LOVs on Termination PageSummary: Hi Everyone, Wanted to check if we can limit Assignment Statuses to be displayed on Terminate Employment Page. Eg : We have 10 Assignment Statuses configured in…
Under Employment, Location LOV is missing few data while hiring employee under Responsive UIWe are trying to hire employees using Responsive UI. While entering the employment information, location details, some of the location seems to be missing even though th…
Hide Change salary and salary history action from compensation categoryWe want to hide Change Salary and Salary History from Compensation Category Navigation: My Client Group – compensation – Change Salary/Salary History We cannot remove th…
Add additional fields to Search LOVClient has a requirement to add additional fields on the search result LOV. in the below screen shot for the Parent Position field, the client needs to add Job code and …
Issue with Person Security Profile secured by Areas of Responsibility.There is a business scenario where an employee has 2 active assignments in 2 different legal entity and the data needs to be restricted so that HR can only access the pe…
What Scheduled Processes to Run After Quarterly Release- Oracle LearningSummary: After Quarterly Release Updates, what Scheduled Processes do we need to Run for Oracle Learning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Not able to update the employee dataSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, When I am trying to upload the employee assignment using HDL, then system throwing an …Mohammad Afghanul 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management