Category 52
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Log to review approval delegationSummary: We have recently implemented Core HR and are interested in finding out if a transaction log is available for users (Manager) delegating approval to someone. Con…User_2025-02-06-09-43-34-072 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saurabh.Sinha-Oracle Human Capital Management
REST API for WorklistsSummary: Is there any REST API to get the Worklist items assigned for a specific Employee Content (required): Is there any REST API to get the Worklist items assigned fo…Dineshkumar Ramarao 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
How to configure the approval rule for update and delete the recordSummary: How to configure the approval rule for update and delete the record Content (required): How to configure the approval rule for update and delete the record Vers…User_2025-02-11-12-58-24-333 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
Do you have any idea how to schedule a report on every 2 weeks on Monday in HCM?Summary: Do you have any idea how to schedule a report on every 2 weeks on Monday in HCM? Content (required): Do you have any idea how to schedule a report on every 2 we…
Deeplink document of recordsHello everyone, I would need to create a deeplink to an employee's document of records page. I found this deeplink,…User_2025-02-07-06-30-13-200 32 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-07-06-30-13-200 Human Capital Management
Hello, do we have any best practices document on the approach for HR history data conversion?Summary: Hello, do we have any document to understand the best practices on HR data conversion history approach as in how many years of data is ideal for conversion and …
Not able to see the Assigned Journeys Tab from HRSummary: We have our test and dev pods recently upgraded to 21 C and even though we have all the roles attached as per the various support documents, we still are not ab…
Function to Retrieve Skip Level Manager and BeyondSummary: We need the function to retrieve Skip Level Manager and higher level managers Content (required): We have the following function to retrieve the Line Manager wh…
In SHDL how we get drop down values for Legal Employer, Business unit.Hi All, In SHDL how we get drop down values for Legal Employer, Business unit, Job Codes. Is there any why to get that. Thanks RaviSompalli Raviteja 23 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Resctrict Access to Checklist for Line Manager that are also HR of a personSummary: Content (required): Hi team, I would like to know if it is possible to restrict access to a checklist for a Line Manager that is also the HR Rep of an employee.…
Journey checklist are not displayed in sequenceSummary: Journey checklist are not displayed in sequence Content (required): I created checklist (Enterprise onboarding steps in Enterprise onboarding with Add Pending w…
Mass password resetSummary: Content (required): Dear Experts , How can we mass reset password of 700+ employees? is it via script or HDL load? any immediate guidance would be highly apprec…Megha Patel 1.6K views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Human Capital Management
Discrepancy between Employment Record and My Team viewSummary: Content (required): Hi fellow experts, Could you please help me out with the following issue: There is a Parent Position - Manager and 2 Child Positions - Learn…
Journeys - An HR cannot see Journeys completed/assigned in the past by its employees by another HRSummary: Content (required): Hi team, I'm new to journeys and I'm trying to understand how it works. I have noticed that people who were not HR rep at the time the journ…
how to enable creating in these segmentsSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Sowmiya Velusamy 13 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Disable Person Management / Classic UISummary: Has anyone disabled Person Management after enabling the Responsive UX pages for Core HR? Content (required): We have enabled all available Responsive pages and…Matt Malvezzi 101 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-08-55-28-885 Human Capital Management
Link To Specific Contact InfoI want to add in another screen a link that will lead to updating the address of a specific employee. (contact info) when I am on another screen in the system, I need to…nofar_s_r 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-08-55-28-885 Human Capital Management
How to load a DFF to positionSummary: Trying to work out how to load a DFF to the position via HDL or HCM Content (required): I have a DFF (cost centre) that I want to load against the position. Thi…
How to make National Identifier view only and not editable for some role?Summary: We have a requirement to make National Identifier(SSN) Editable by few roles only, and other roles can view them but cannot edit it. I have tried through Person…
Can we restrict Length of Department name ?Summary: We can create Department names as big as possible but is there a way we can restrict the length of the department name to like 64 characters ? Content (required…
How to remove up and down arrows from email notifications?Hello team, Is it possible to remove the move down move up arrows from email notifications? Thank you in advance,Vasiliki Tripolitsioti-Oracle 33 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vasiliki Tripolitsioti-Oracle Human Capital Management
Switzerland - Collective Agreement Employment InfoSummary: Content (required): Hi team, We noticed that for Switzerland (CH) there is a field called Collective agreement but the list is empty and we are not able to find…Gabriele Falso-Oracle 2 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gabriele Falso-Oracle Human Capital Management
Gender Identity display sequenceSummary: I've amended the display sequence of the Gender Identity fields in lookup value ORA_HRX_GB_GENDER_IDENTITY but the values don't appear in the sequence specified…
Position Management/DesignSummary: Hello! Client is about to make some design decisions regarding how to organize positions. They currently have a 1 to 1 design. Meaning every worker gets a new p…
Journeys - Assigned Journey - Work Location or Business Unit?Summary: Is there an option to add location information on the tiles/cards in Journeys underneath the position name? Content (required): Do we have the option to enable …
Action to use for Off BoardingSummary: Off Boarding Journey only when the worker "left" the company Content (required): We created a Off Boarding journey using the Action "Termination". The problem i…
Lookup TagSummary: Content (required): Hi team, I would like to know how lookup tag works for custom DFF. We created a DFF and associated a value set with a list of values. In the…Gabriele Falso-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gabriele Falso-Oracle Human Capital Management
Local Transfer - Missing Payroll DetailsSummary: Local Transfer - Missing Payroll Details Content (required): When submitting a Local Transfer the payroll details section is not visible. We have added this sec…
In security console when we search for the person it should only list user account not othersSummary: In security console when we search for the person it should only list user account not others like roles, administration..., Content (required): I want the user…Sowmiya Velusamy 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sowmiya Velusamy Human Capital Management
Getting blank page While editing the resignation by using HROPS log in?Summary: Getting bank page While editing the resignation by using HROPS log in? Content (required): Once HROPS tried to click on edit button then it will navigate to bel…