Category 747
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Autocomplete rules get trigger on the last section after selecting submit button in change assignmenSummary: Hi @Danny Cusnir-Oracle @Aarti Satyamurthy-Oracle A) Normally we load data from legacy system to fusion system during rollout projects. When we load data thru H…Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Hide Notification Date in Termination ScreenSummary: We would like to hide notification date in the termination screen for MSS. We are able to do this in the current RUX version but this does not look like an opti…
Ability to hide name fieldsSummary: Hi - we are working on implementing redwood pages but are having an issue with the Personal Details page. In the RUX version of this screen we have hidden field…
How to display Effective End Date in Create New Contacts or Edit Contacts page in Redwood?Summary: We are trying to display the Effective End Date field in the Redwood page of Create New Contact or Edit Contact. We have tried enabling all the effective end da…
Unable to view Department DFF in VBSSummary: Hi , We have enabled DFFs against Department but are unable to view the same in Department VBS page. The Department DFFs are not visible under the Business Rule…
Hide 'View Calculated Time' in redwood time card only for employeesSummary: We need to hide the 'View Calculated Time' option only for employees. However, when we hide it in VBS, it is getting hidden for all pages including the admin vi…
Change assigment - Which field should we use to filter by the grade?Summary: Hello all, The client needs to set distinct rules using the grade. Based on the grade a flexfield in Change assignment fields needs to be initialised with a spe…
View Compensation History - How to remove link to Overall Payments?Summary: We would like to remove the link that we get on the Overall Salary field in View Compensation History; if not possible, to remove the columns contained in the l…Giuseppe Casalino 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Giuseppe Casalino Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Recurring Payments History - How to remove link from Start Date?Summary: Our purpose is to remove the link that we can see on the Start Date field on Recurring Payments History. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…Giuseppe Casalino 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Giuseppe Casalino Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Questions on Personalizing My Activity CenterSummary: Hello, I watched the Customer Connect event on My Activity Center and how we can personalize it for employees. I have a few questions I need help with: When add…
Validate Family and Emergency Contacts AC rule in VBSSummary: As per 24D, the AC rules for Family and Emergency Contacts should work in Redwood but we have one not working as so trying to rebuild in VBS. Cannot find the fi…
Default maternity planned end date based on planned start dateSummary: In RUI, Oracle provided an AC rule to default the Maternity Planned End Date on absence entry. We need to achieve the same in VBS to add 363 days to planned sta…
How to conditionally add custom analytic cards on 'Activity Center' pages?Summary: We have a requirement to create and conditionally (like based on roles/countries/grade etc) display custom analytic cards on 'Activity Center' pages, but we don…Pavan Kumar Nistala 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pavan Kumar Nistala Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Ability to create analytic cards and integrate to third party application for Team Activity CenterSummary: Managers would like to see their reportees completed all mandatory learning, which is hosted on third party application Content (please ensure you mask any conf…Girish_Kulkarni_123 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Girish_Kulkarni_123 Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to disable Hiring Manager details in Opportunity Marketplace Job ApplicationsSummary: When viewing job applications in opportunity Marketplace. The users are able to click the hiring Manager details/icon and it opens up the page with all their co…
Connect VB studio instance with prodSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to add my production environment in VB studio, but it asks for user credentials. We are us…Daksheshkumar Patel 54 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Gulani Simran-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Delete unused remote branchesSummary: Delete unused remote branches Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When creating a new local branch, I'm referencing the remote branch…
Display of Guided Journey Based within a Journey based on the journey nameHello, we are building an Onboarding Journey. as a part of that we want to present a guided journey that will appear only there and not at other Journeys (we maintain ma…
Facing error 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable when accessing VB StudioSummary: Hi All, We are facing the error "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" when accessing the VB Studio via the below two options. Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio…Oguri Rama Yogaiah 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Oguri Rama Yogaiah Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Receiving an error when trying to preview VBS pages: Error response during RestActionSummary: I am trying to preview my business rules using VBS and whenever I click on the preview icon, the page loads with an error: Error response during RestAction I am…MadisonMyers 276 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Satish Kumar M-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Can we edit help-text for fields on Redwood pages?Summary: We have a requirement to edit the seeded help-text on Redwood pages as they are confusing users in some cases. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …Bambi McClelland 16 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Bambi McClelland Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to hide download and Add button on document of record ESS redwood pageSummary: Hello Team, Add and download button appearing . Not having any option in VBCS to hide. However We can hide the same in RUI using PC. Please could you help to un…
VBS-Change Salary page: The default value assignment for Action Reason is not appearing as expectedSummary: VBS-Change Salary page (When and Why) The default value is set for Action (Change Salary) and Action Reason (Out of Cycle). After deployment, the default value …Natarajan1 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nathaniel.Wilcox Visual Builder Studio for HCM
VBS: Defaulting of Salary Amount or Salary Basis: How do we reference UDT to default values?Summary: Currently, we have Autocomplete Rules to default Salary Basis values using User-Defined Table values using global functions "Get string value from value set". I…Bianca Lei Villareal 28 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Bianca Lei Villareal Visual Builder Studio for HCM
VBCS Production migration documentSummary: Hi All, I need step by step documentation for VBCS 1-When we migrate customization part from Test to production both for Basic and OAUTH 2-As I understood from …Glorina Priyadarshini 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Glorina Priyadarshini Visual Builder Studio for HCM
OAuth 2.0 Connection VB Studio EnvironmentSummary: We are following documentation to use OAuth 2.0 connecting PROD and other different Domain stage Environments to Visual builder Studio Project. Documentation me…Arne_Mahnken 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Karen Costakes Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Validation Rule to restrict override of Position NameTeam, We are working on writing the Default and Validation rules for defaulting and validating the Position Name as a combination of Job-Department-Location-Union respec…
UK Address Fields in Redwood not DisplayedHi Experts, I have noticed a problem with the Address formats on the Contact and Family and Emergency Contact Pages. When adding or updating an existing address, i'm not…Tony Donnachie 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tony Donnachie Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to Hide Stocks, Other Compensations, and Recurring Payments from Redwood page.Summary: How to Hide Stocks, Other Compensations, and Recurring Payments from Redwood page. We have created Business Rule for this, see below. But on the Preview it stil…
VBCS Rollback Feature - app will revert to its original theme, app version, and JET version?Hello, We've updated our application to the latest JET and app version and transitioned to the Redwood theme. To allow the business to experience the Redwood theme, we p…