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Discussion List
Restrict Access to Make Edits in Process RequisitionSummary: Once our Requisitions have been approved we are looking to see if we can lock down fields within the "Process Requisition" task so that the user cannot edit tho…
Is it possible to put restrictions on editing key fields in PO based on conditionsSummary: 1. Business creates PO from Requisition in 2 ways. One is based on RFQ (called as CS-comparative statement process) and another one is based on last negotiated …
Purchase Requisition Auto-Create Complex Work Purchase Order StyleSummary: We currently are using a 3rd party application that houses the requisition information. That information is brought over to Oracle fully approved and then the P…
Red wood pages capability to print label from Manage Receipts screenclient has a requirement - For Indirect purchasing receipts, they want to capture receipt details in QR sticker/Barcode form. Question is in red wood page for Manage Rec…
On PO Life Cycle Receipt Transaction History it shows Base UOMSummary: On PO we see conversion UOM (Eg: MO) While Creating Receipt we can conversion UOM (Eg: MO) On Receipt Summary Page we see Base UOM (Eg: Hours) On PO Life Cycle …
Query to find unaccounted receipt in fusionSummary: Query to find unaccounted receipt in fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We are creating a custom report for PO and R…
PO_BIP_HELPER.get_ship_to_cust_addressSummary: Hi Team, Could you please share logic/query of PO_BIP_HELPER.get_ship_to_cust_address function, this function is used for to get ship to address of PO. Please s…
Work Confirmation (Quantity Based) is it Possible ?Right Now We Have Document Style Of Complex PO That is Work Confirmation enabled As You know it is Amount Based Only (Work Confirmation) But We Can override Quantity Che…
25A New Feature Question Configure the Maximum Change Order Sequence Number for Purchasing DocumentsSummary: We would like to understand more about this new update from 25A. Business has similar POs which contain more than 1000 COs but don't see the issue with reviewin…
Can we increase the 30 days Purge Timeline of BPM Tasks Worklist for Purchase orders/AgreementsSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to see the approval history of Purchase Orders/Requisitions/Agreements for Audit Purposes. Normally, when we click on old Purchas…
Open Oracle Cloud Application PDFs in the browser to avoid local downloading.Summary: Open Oracle Cloud Application PDFs in the browser to avoid local downloading. Content (required): Hi, So in a normal scenario when we will click on any of the P…
Send Purchase Orders (PO PDF) From different E-mail based on Legal Entity or Ship-to OrganizationSummary: What is the Set-up for Requirement: E-mail Purchase Orders (PO PDFs) from multiple shared E-mail addresses, based on Legal Entity (LE) or Ship-to Organization (…
Urgent : Mass Update on PO DistributionAs a result of a major cost center restructuring, PO distribution lines need to be updated for all POS (1000+), totaling 25K lines or more. Is there a quick way to accom…
How to customize XML in Oracle Business networkSummary: User are communication Purchase Order to supplier via Oracle Business Network. we want to customize address format which is going in xml How to customize xml wh…
Skip PO Change order approval on updating PO distributions and DFFs on approved POSummary Skip PO Change order approval on updating PO distributions and DFFs on approved POContent On an approved PO if we change PO distributions or update a DFF on PO l…
how can i stop a Po from been rejected by the application because the BPA agreement got expiredSummary: We need to avoid/prevent PO being rejected due to BPA expiration. Example, BPA is active until we convert the PR into PO. Now, PO stuck in the supplier pending …
how to create a Purchase order for a BPA with service line type?Summary: Hi everyone. I usually work with blanket purchase agreements and easily Creating an Order gets linked to the BPA but right now I am experiencing a hard time try…
No Attachment Links found in PO Pending Approval Notification - 25ASummary: 25A ( has been applied. No Redwood is enabled. No attachment links are found in PO pending approval notification. Content (please ensure you mask …
how to view more than 9 lines in process requisitionSummary: Requirement is to view at least 10-15 lines at once in the Process Requisition work area Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currentl…
requested delivery date refreshes agreement source linesSummary: Hi, We have an unexpected behavior for PO that are sourced from agreements. Create a new PO, entering agreement and agreement line. When entering the requested …
Link between Workflow Table (FA_FUSION_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY) And PO/RequisitionSummary: Hello, I need to extract all notifications related to PO , Requsition and Credit card transactions For PO I am working with SELECT wfth.* FROM fa_fusion_soainfr…Robert Popa-Oracle 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group
Agreement approval based on controls Requisitioning BUHi, Is there any way to setup approval for BPA using the Requisitioning BU in the controls tab. we are having centralized procurement, and have requirement to setup BPA …
SCM Resource Center SubmissionSummary: SCM Guided Journeys available from 24C central repository to share use cases Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Customer asked the q…
How to know and then set the PO Approval limits for all the Approvers in the System?Summary: We are currently using Supervisory Hierarchy for PO Approvals . There is a requirement to find out the PO Approval limits of all the Approvers in the system and…
How do I upload using the Receiving Receipts Import TemplateSummary: Hello! I am trying to upload using Receiving Receipts Import Template. I do have a role Receiving Agent. I am using the process Load Interface File for Import B…
Can we restrict Supplier user accounts from appearing in Reassigning tasks during approvals?When the assigned approver is reassigning the task to other users the LOV includes the supplier user accounts. We would like to restrict this to only business users and …
Need to find out Buyer Technical Alias name to define mapping set based approvals of POSummary: We are defining the Purchase Order Approvals Hierarchy based on Mapping set. We wanted to create one mapping set which can utilize Buyer name as Input and trigg…
Carry Forward Purchase Orders Report status is error and no out put is generated.Summary: Problem Statement: We run the Carry Forward Purchase Order Budgetary Control Balances and it is completed with warning. The child process Carry Forward Purchase…
Redwood Manage Purchase Orders missing withdrawSummary: Redwood Manage Purchase Orders missing withdraw as in faces Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Redwood PO Withdraw missing Faces UI …
Mobile Application for users to take action on the workflowsHow to add PR, PO, Invoice and Expense Report workflows in mobile application for users to take action on the approval workflows.