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Discussion List
sorcingSummary: Is it possible to implement Approval hierarchy while Cancel/Delete the Negotiation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While Cancel/…
Notification for Negotiation ClosedSummary: There does not seem to be a notification to the Owner of the RFQ (at least) if a Negotiation has reached its close date. Content (required): Hi, We were testing…
How a "Bidder List Approval Required" field in Negotiation works?Summary: The user ticked the "Bidder List Approval Required" field in the negotiation and defined Bidder List Approvers. However, it does not route for approval to the B…
How to default the "To Award Approver" Attachment Category in Negotiation AwardWe want to make the 'To Award Approver' value as default when the user tries to add an Attachment in the Negotiation Award. Currently 'Sourcing Negotiation Award' is bei…
AUDIT NEGOTIATION CHANGES - 24A New featureSummary: we have the new feature AUDIT NEGOTIATION CHANGES as a part of 24A upgrade. Just want to understand, by enabling these audit reports, will it cause any performa…
Need to knockout supplier response based on the cumulative of the technical scoringSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Is it possible to prevent/disable duplicate negotiation feature?Hi team, Is it possible to prevent/disable duplicate negotiation feature? Thank you
Provision to include Statutory Forms and the Tender Invitation to be embedded in the systemSummary: Provision to include Statutory Forms and the Tender Invitation to be embedded in the system Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Statu…
Project Task (in Overview section of negotiation) is not available in SourcingSummary Unable to enable Project Task tab in Overview section of a negotiationContent Hello Team Using 'Standard Negotiation' style (Project Task is enabled), create a n…
Oracle system performance after enabling the profile value related to validation at DFFSummary: we have enabled a Administrative Profile value = ORA_FND_FLEX_GROOVY_RESTRICTED to "NO" so that we can write global segment validation for a DFF. attached scree…
how can I create a aging OTBI report of negotiation by status.Summary: how can I create a aging OTBI report of negotiation by status. the columns i expected is status, count, days count (rage created date ie,0-5 days, 5-10 days). C…
Supplier Admin having visibility of all responses from all their internal contactsSummary: Our customer who is in the utilities business, has gone live with advanced procurement recently and they are heavy user of sourcing and Supplier Portal. One of …
To Create a negotiation without outcome where only a contract will be createdSummary: In creating negotiation, is there a way or setup related not to choose an outcome or set an outcome where only contract will be created. Content (please ensure …
create response for negotiation with REST API return error(PON-2085880)Hi all, I would like to create supplier response for negotiation using rest API:/fscmRestApi/resources/…
Award by Spreadsheet is opening as xml instated of spread sheetSummary: Step 1. Under “Procurement”, click on the “Solicitations” tile. Step 2. Under “My Solicitations”, click on “Pending Award”. Step 3. Click on “Solicitation” 1469…
Location and item on RFQSummary: Can we restrict Item and Location on RFQ by Business Unit or Inventory Organization? We understand if there is a one to one mapping between Location and Invento…
Sourcing - Group SelectionGood afternoon people. I'm doing some tests with the functionality of grouping lines in the RFQ, I can create a group and add the lines I want within that group. I publi…
NegotiationsSummary: Negotiations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How do I know the date a supplier was added to a negotiation? Is there a report or v…
How to create a custom button in supplier response page in a negotiation?Summary: How to create a custom button in supplier response page in a negotiation trying to achieve a requirement to send the supplier quote responses to the respective …
Award Negotiation ExportContent Hello, Can we edit Award By Spreadsheet. Is there any report for this? If yes, where we can find the data model for this export. Thanks, Nishanth
Can "Track Changes" feature be automatically set when downloading TermsSummary: Can "Track Changes" feature be automatically set when downloading Terms & Conditions in Negotiations? We are using the Terms & Conditions download button during…
How To Restrict List Of Attachment Categories Shown In Negotiation?Hi team, How To Restrict List Of Attachment Categories Shown In Negotiation? Thank you
How to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet.Summary: To check how to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to select negotiation template for the negotiation creation form agreementSummary: Currently from agreement when we create negotiation, there is NO option to select negotiation template. And the negotiation template option is only available wi…
Whole thread of online messages can be extracted in one file (including the attachments)Summary: In Sourcing, is it possible if the whole thread of online messages can be extracted in one file (including the attachments). Content (please ensure you mask any…
How to increase the decimals on Response Price while creating QuotationThe suppliers want to create quote against a negotiation with response price in decimals, currently the system rounds off the response price and accepts only two decimal…
what privileges in ''IT Security Manager' role is needed for create negotiation with attachment?Hi, I would like to create a negotiation with attachment using REST API:/fscmRestApi/resources/ Here is my payload: { "ProcurementBUId": …
To check if deadlines can be added for responding to clarification messages. (Online Messages)Summary: In Sourcing, is it possible if deadlines can be added for responding to clarification messages. (Online Messages) Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
REST API to create RFP ResponseSummary: I am looking for the REST API in order to systematically create response against an active RFP. Content (required): The RFP response data would be sent by suppl…
Sandeep SahareConflict of Interest: In the RFQ stage of the tender process, we are now required to confirm that there is no conflict of interest between the assigned buyer, and the de…