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Discussion List
how can we change complete award warning message for complete award in negotiation?Summary: IF we don't want to award any supplier, there will be a warning message "No Purchasing Document Will Be Created Because All Responses Were Rejected". How can we…
Need to Change Outcome of the neogtiation During/After awardSummary: Hi, After reation the negotation , we want to change the outocme of the negotation. How to acheive this Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to remove owner's manager from automatically added into Negotiation Collaboration TeamSummary: Dear all, is there a way to remove owner's manager from automatically added into Negotiation Collaboration Team? means when a buyer create a NEG only himself/he…
how to create consignment agreement from Negotiation outcomeSummary: Client Request it to create Negotiation with Outcome as "Consignment agreement." Please share the pointers to fix. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
DFF created at Overview/Negotiation Line is not visible in the Negotiation (Supplier/Buyer) PDFSummary: After configuring two DFFs in the negotiation page, the same is not visible in the seeded Supplier and Buyer Negotiation PDF. We would want to know how these DF…
Create Role with access to Manage Attribute Lists and Manage Cost Factor Lists, read-onlySummary: required creates a Role with access to Manage Attribute Lists and Manage Cost Factor Lists, read-only What privileges should be removed for this? Content (pleas…
Configure setup for customizing seeded report "Award Approval Notification Report"Summary: We need to customize this seeded report "Award Approval Notification Report". We have made the changes as per the process but the Award approval notification is…
Need a query to fetch Negotiation TemplateSummary: Hello, I'm trying to build a report to get the Negotiation Template names but I'm unable to find the table nor subject-area to do so. Can somebody help please? …
Is it possible to prevent deleting the supplier contract?Hi team I found that the user can easily delete the supplier contract from the negotiation award. So is there any way to prevent deleting the supplier contract in the En…
how to hide Register New Supplier from Create Surrogate responseSummary: Requirement is to Hide the New Supplier creation during the Negotiation creation process. How to hide the "Register New Supplier" button from Negotiation screen…
Restrict or Add values from/to Outcome LOV on Create NegotiationSummary Restrict or Add values from/to Outcome LOV on Create NegotiationContent Gurus, Appreciate if some one can let me know whether it is possible to restrict values t…
external cost factors not mandatorySummary: Good afternoon. Is there any way to make external cost factors not mandatory? Thanks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 23C (11.13.2…
Negotiation Award Approvals based on Supplier ResponsesSummary: Hi, We have requirement to capture additional information from Suppliers basing on which Negotiation Award Approvals are to be setup. Here, business does not to…
My Negotiations display RFQ which i'm not the ownerUnder Procurement > Negotiations , My Negotiations infolet displays RFQ of other owners (it seems if user is the member of the RFQ, then user will have those RFQ under t…
How Can we Restrict Users Access To Create Negotiations To Limited Types rather than All TypesHow Can we Restrict Users Access To Create Negotiations To Limited Types From Many available in system. And User should be able to View Negotiations Of Limited Types rat…
Is there a way to display collaboration team members in the contract team section?Summary: Is there a way to display collaboration team members in the contract team section? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we want to…
supplier to receive the specific reason for award failure.Summary: supplier wants to know the reason of award rejection Content (required): The Award FYI notification details are not specific. The Award Notification Message sen…
Manage Scoring not available in Closed Negotiation (RFP) when Scoring is already OpenSummary: Scoring is open for project team members to do the scoring but the negotiation owner cannot see the Manage Scoring to check the scoring progress and to know who…
Can we setup Sourcing rule for Internal Suppliers?Summary: Can we setup Sourcing rule for Internal Suppliers ? i.e. mechanism where system suggest to buy material either from External supplier or Internal Supplier based…
How to add the project resources to collaboration team during negotiation creation?Summary: Add project resources to collaboration team Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How Can I add the project resources to the collaborat…
Getting Warning while trying to create Purchasing Document on Completed Award in Release 20D (11.13.Summary Error: Your award includes the lines under budgetary control where quantities are split. You won't able to create purchasing documents. Do you want to continue?C…
Not able to Reject terms and conditions in negotiationSummary: Hi Team, Supplier is not able to reject the terms and conditions in negotiations. We have kept the terms and conditions on -' Before creating response'. Supplie…
Change email negotiation notifications (Amendment and Closed) to suppliersSummary: Hi team, The client has requested to change the Subject and Body Email for the Negotiation amendment and negotiation closed notification. Is there any way to do…
Local content requirementsSummary: Local content Requirements Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The local content, is to preserve the largest possible amount of money…
How can we add a surrogate scorer to an RFX that does not have access to the Fusion module ?Summary: How can we add a surrogate scorer to an RFX that does not have access to the Fusion module ? A scorer needs to score, as a consultant , this user is not part of…
Is there is a way to restrict the close date from being back dated on a negotiation?Is there is a way to restrict the close date from being back dated prior to the current close date through a negotiation amendment. In our case, if negotiations are able…
how to restrict addition or removal of item in contract created from NegotiationSummary: The user wants to restrict the addition or removal of items in the contract created from negotiation. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
How to enable the create Project Task field during negotiation creationSummary: Create Project Task during negotiation creation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, now I can add a project task once negotiation…
Do we have any Reports available in Negotiations Module with following details captured?Summary: We have a requirement to have a Report from Negotiations aspects with following details captured - 1. RFP number along with negotiation round details 2. No. of …
Personalization - EL conditional expression based DefaultingSummary: Fusion Procurement. Trying to use EL Condition to decide defaulting to a field. It is working as expected but Input text field becomes display (non editable). I…