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Supplier Qualification Management
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Get attachment attached to questionaire responseSummary: We need to fetch the attachment which was attached as response to a question. Please advise if we have any of the below options: 1) Attachment ID stored anywher…
Can we give a warning that a qualification already exists for a qualification area/supplier name?Need to know when a qualification is ready to create if a combination of that qualification area/supplier name/supplier address exists. If exists, give a warning that a …
SQM - how the requalification worksWhen the qualification expires a new one is automatically sent to renew. That one is active. But it's not linked to the initiative. Is there on option to link the renewa…
Configure Descriptive Flexfields and Generate OTBI Reports with DFFs.Summary: This post illustrates how to configure flexfields and generate reports using Oracle Fusion Cloud Transactional Business Intelligence(OTBI). Content (required): …
Supplier Registration Approval - Enable Supplier RejectionSummary: Hi, I am looking for a way to enable rejection reason field when rejecting a supplier approval decision. Is it possible? Content (required): There was a instanc…
Ability to customize SQM email notifications based on Qualification/AssessmentContent Can SQM email notifications to Suppliers be customized based on Qualification/Assessment? Depending on the qualification or assessment that is being done we may …
How to work with a dynamic multiple qualification areaSummary: Can we setup multiple qualification area and evaluation, dependly of Qualification Area Outcomes the iniciative follow a specific sequence? Content (required): …
Qualification in draft statusSummary: The qualification is in draft status. But everything set accordingly. Content (required): An initiative sent to supplier. Supplier receive invitation message bu…
Is it possible to use SQM at the same time as receiving a product?Hi team! Is it possible to use SQM at the same time as receiving a product, using FDC or using payables? The customer needs to evaluate the supplier whenever a product o…
Initiative with survey option enabled is sending qualifications to the same internal responder twiceSummary: I have created an initiative with internal survey option enabled, added default internal responders, then launched the initiative. I was surprised that the syst…
Make a Supplier Registration Train Stop Mandatory (Required)Summary: Need to make a Supplier Registration Train Stop for Business Classification Mandatory. Currently the screen allows hitting the "NEXT" button to bypass the stop.…
Best Practice to Set up Multi-level Branching QuestionsSummary: This post shares some tips on setting up questions with multiple levels of branching questions. Content (required): First, let us look at an example question th…
How to set up an enterprise user to be an internal responder to internal questionnaires?Summary This post illustrates how to set up an enterprise user to be an internal responder to supplier qualification internal questionnaires.Content To qualify suppliers…
How to expose the supplier address on the questionnaire?Content Goal: Supplier should know which address they are responding to when a qualification area questionnaire is sent to them. Steps: Tried to expose this information …
Supplier Eligibility for SourcingSummary Configure sourcing eligibility for existing suppliersContent Dear experts, Could someone help me with finding the configuration task to set the default sourcing …
qualification outcome does not allow scores in decimalsSummary when creating qualification area, we are unable to enter from and to scores in decimals.Content Client has a decimal score cutoff to get the outcomes for their q…
is there a way to send supplier a questionnaire whenever we are promoting them from prospective to sSummary is there a way to send supplier a questionnaire whenever we are promoting them from prospective to spend authorized?Content we have configured qualification rule…
How Does Automatic Reassessment Work?Summary This post illustrates how you can use the automatic reassessment process to reassess your suppliers automatically when a new qualification is available.Content W…
Share attachment with supplierContent We are sharing initiatives with the suppliers. We have few attachment at initiatives level, qualification area level as well as individual question level. Howeve…
Notifications not sent to Evaluation TeamSummary Evaluation team members not receiving any notificationsContent Currently you can add multiple members to an evaluation team on an initiative but there are no not…
Questionnaire to internal Responder in Registration Approval ProcessSummary Questionnaire to internal Responder in Registration Approval ProcessContent Is it possible to send the Questionnaire to the internal Responder in the Registratio…
Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateSummary Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateContent Hi Experts, kindly let us know if this is achievable - When the evaluation owner tr…
Customize the email content for Supplier Registration email notificationSummary External Supplier RegistrationContent Hi Experts, I would like to customize the content for email notification sent out to Supplier upon Supplier External Regist…
Unable to add Supplier level DFF date type attribute to Supplier Qualification QuestionSummary We want to map the response of a question (a date) to one of the newly added DFFs (date) in the Supplier profile.Content We want to map the response of a questio…
Can we put in multiple approval levels for a qualification area?Summary Can we put in multiple approval levels for a qualification area?Content Can we put in multiple approval levels for a qualification area?
Ability to future date launch date for initiativesSummary future date launch date for initiativesContent Does anyone know if its possible to future date an initiative launch? My client would like to prepare initiatives …
In a custom defined DFF, how to populate dynamic values specific to Qualifications pageContent When we navigate to 'Manage Qualifications' page, under edit additional information We have to define one DFF field 1) Here, we need the value from the response …
Multiple ReviewersSummary Want multiple people to be able to review and accept responses to questionnaireContent Hello, We use SQM for some internal questionnaires in relation to vendor m…
Tips for Setting up Rule Set for Supplier RegistrationSummary This post shares more tips for you to set up the rule set when you qualify your suppliers during external supplier registration.Content * Use question branching …
Filter Critical Questions during Qualification EvaluationSummary This post discusses the ability for users to view critical questions during the qualification evaluation process.Content Once all responses from a supplier or in…