Discussion List
Does Manufacturing Cloud allow Creation of Custom Business event?Summary Does Manufacturing Cloud allow Creation of Custom Business event?Content Hi, Seems CX/ Sales Cloud allow creation of custom business events in Cloud. Does Fusion…
Use Rest Service for Maintenance and Manufacturing Role ??Summary: What is Rest Service privileges called in Fusion to add to the job role during activating Redwood. And why I cannot see the below privileges: MNT_MANAGE_MAINTEN…
Maintenance work definition do not appear and ESS job gives errorSummary: I read this question Existing data/Work Definitions are not visible on the new Redwood UI for Manage work Definition but i got error as status for the process C…
Import Work definition program failed to create work definition because Item has punctuationSummary: Import Work Definition program failed to create work definition because Operation Item is having a punctuation value " in the item no. Content (please ensure yo…
Updating the Change Locator in Work Definition Redwood can't be applied.Summary: In Manage Work Definitions Redwood UI, changing the Completion Locator can't be applied even though it was saved and updated. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Need guidance on Transform Work Order Product completion transaction using excel pluginSummary: I am able to perform Material Issue transaction using excel plugin, but i am unable to complete the product completion transaction. can anyone guide me how can …
What is use case of creating workstation which has been introduced in 24CSummary: What is use case of creating workstation which has been introduced in 24C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, I want to underst…
Resource Instance assignment in Report Resource transaction, to charge and required fields becomes 0Summary: We have created resources and resource instances in manufacturing , and the resources are set to be Automatically transacted , while assigning the resource inst…
Automatically create work order for Sub AssemblySummary: When we create a work order for Finished Goods then it must automatically be a work order for Sub assembly items For Example, If we create a WO for Burger then …
Production Scheduling takes alternate resource instead of Primary resourceSummary: HI, We have two resource- One Primary resource A and alternate Resource B. Only if the Primary resource is not available the alternate resource needs to be cons…MMA27305 51 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Suprakash2 Rath Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
can primary resource be defined as alternate resource as well in other work defn./std. operation?Summary: Can we configure the primary resource in one work-definition/operation as alternate in another work-definition/operation? Will Supply Planning (Constrained) and…
How to print Labels/Cards into Intermec printer directly from JDE 9.2 E1Summary: We have a requirement to print the Kanban card using clients' existing Intermec printers directly from JDE E1 9.2 Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Event: Oracle Cloud SCM Integration Playbook Series: Integration with ManufacturingDate & Time: October 16, 2024 07:00 AM to 8:00 AM Pacific Time The Oracle Cloud Supply Chain Integration Playbook Series continues with Manufacturing integration pattern…
how we can Create material over head cost in oracle Fusion ManufecturingCase 1. The user paid petty cash for the employee to purchase material by hand not in a Through purchase this material will use Manuecuring of FG item in this c…
In Manufacturing , is it possible to to include the custom Work order Status for Mass actions task?We have created some custom work order Statuses in Manufacturing , now we wanted to include or enable these statuses in the Mass action task present on WO manage page , …
How to create manufacturing calendar which can be used in manufacturing and GOPTeam, When I assign plant with 5 days calendar, I am unable to see the plant in GOP while creating sourcing rule. Reason being, for collection of calendar, the calendar …
How to edit attachments type ( delete/add/update) on work definition or work order?Summary:How to edit attachments type ( delete/add/update) on work definition or work order? Is there any lookup? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…Bhavyank Shah-Oracle 13 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
How to update the output_type of item in process workdef from product to BY_PRODUCT through FBDIHi, we use process work definitions where there are two outputs mentioned as output type as product. But we wanted to change the other item as BY_PRODUCT, when we are do…
Map DFF on Lot from DFF on Work OrderSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts Is there a way in which I can defaults DFF values on Lot number from DFF on Work Or…
Facing REST API issue for work center resource exception creationSummary: Hi Team We are trying to create work center resource exception using below REST API but we are getting error. Rest API - /fscmRestApi/resources/…
Transform Work Order Same Serial NumberSummary: At customer Nova the serial numbers are controlled at Manufacturing Plant/inventory org level i.e. serial numbers for all produced serial controlled items come …Aidan McCarthy-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aidan McCarthy-Oracle Manufacturing
Restrict list of components when creating non-standard or transform work ordersOur customer is a food safety company and manufactures mainly chemical products to ensure their objectives. Their chemical products follow a recipe based on a formula an…Alexandre Chea-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandre Chea-Oracle Manufacturing
How to default manufacturing org as DFF context on the WD or WOSummary: How to default manufacturing org as DFF context on the WD or WO Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to capture …
Manually assign "Transform From Item" to the work order operationHello When "Transform from Item" is mentioned/Entered while creating Transform work definition. Do i still need to assign this "Transform From item" to the work order op…Manjunath Dorennavar 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Project Cost Import for Cost Management - Should be done when the stock usage/expensed out.Summary: We need to import the cost for Project not at the receipt level, but when the inventory stock is issued for manufacturing purposes or expensed out with the proj…
How to Define a Bottleneck resource in Manufacturing?How can a Bottleneck resource be defined in the Manufacturing, as while creating the resources we cannot find any action/task /checkbox related to this.
Where we can find "Resource group" field in work center UISummary: Where we can find Resource group field in work center UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have defined a lookup code in ORA_WIS…
Returnable Containers used in ManufacturingThe business process is explained below in terms of the impact on Asset Management and Manufacturing. Asset Management: Maintainable asset are created for returnable con…
How can we get the visibility of phantom item in work orderSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement. Currently, the business is using the Phantom Item for Work Orders along with Sub-assemblies. The Phantom Item also has sub-compo…
Parameters for DFF in Work Orders HeaderSummary: Hello fellows, We have a requirement to create a DFF at the level of the work order header. In order to populate this DFF automatically with the Work Center Cod…Agustin.Bertolotti 174 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing