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Manufacturing Work Order batch creation either as process or discrete for business scenarioSummary: In case mineral, chemical, or ferro industries, the batch quantity is produced upto a level lets say 1000 kg and then based on customer /sales order requirement…
Where can I find the training videos in MFGSummary: I am Trying to find the training videos for MFG and Other Modules such as new features and various use case?
Approval Worflow for Work Order and Work DefinitionThe business needs a approval workflow for work orders and definition work in Manufacturing. In the BPM there is the 'WorkOrderApproval', but we do not know if it is the…
Laundry Service as manufacturing plantSummary: Laundry Service as manufacturing plant Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, We have a requirement to map Laundry Services in Ora…
SEIBAN Manufacturing in Oracle CloudSummary: In ERP, our client has implemented the Seiban project planning to respect pegging and tie stock back to the parent assembly. Can we know if this capability is a…
Can't use the output of a previous operation as input for the next operation in same Work DefinitionIt's a significant limitation that we can't use the output of a previous operation as input for the next operation within the same Work Definition. This constraint often…
Unable able to create Work Areas after upgrading to Redwood UISummary: Unable able to create or View Work Areas through the Redwood UI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
How to manage two possible resources for the same operationHi, Our customer manufactures chemical products. In some work centers, they may use two tanks with a different capacity. The same product can be produced in one or the o…
any mobile app for doing WIP transactions on Oracle fusion cloudIs there any mobile app for doing WIP transactions on Oracle fusion cloud. Also can you please let us know how to download those steps?
Manage Production Value SetsSummary: For the configuration task Manage Production Value Sets under Manufacturing Master Data we are seeing value sets that are for modules such a General Ledger, HR,…Aidan McCarthy-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Variance between the quantities produced and the quantities after inspectionHello, I have the following scenario: the company is manufacturing Item X for example with quantity 100 produced. They are doing inspection, after inspection the quantit…
Can we close work order with the last transaction date?Summary: Dear Experts, Business performed last transaction (WIP Completion) in a Work Order on 31-Jul-24 11:59:59 PM When trying to close the Work Order with same date 3…
can't complete an operation while adding the scrap quantityHello, I created a work order. I need to complete the operation . I am editing the quantity of scrap items but the system is not allowing me to continue. please advise.
What is the setup required for items used in the OSP flow to run WITH FULL LOT CONTROL?The business needs to have traceability of the lots with which it is working They need to know the lot number of the finished product and its respective components But t…
Unable to search structure name while creating work defintionSummary: Unable to search structure name while creating work defintion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to create work definiti…
Reference Routing for work orderSummary: in EBS , We need to have reference routing which can be attached while creating work order for the assembly item. HOw we can achieve same functionality in Oracl…
How to Handle Rework of Waste in Process Manufacturing?Summary: We have a case in process manufacturing where we have input as 1000 KG raw material and the output will be FG as 700 KG and 300 KG as waste that need to be used…
Manufacturing decomission processHi, I have doubts about how to handle the decommissioning of manufactured products(FG) in Discrete Manufacturing Example: I'm a manufacturer of Miltant Transmission(FG) …
Multiple Transform Work Definition of a product -Discrete ManufacturingWe have a requirement to have multiple transform work definition of a product A. System allowing to have feature of WD version but not allowing to change the "Transform …Salman Khan-195441 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Process manufaturing support back to backOur customer follows process manufacturing process along with MTO (make to order) process. As per fusion functionality ( 24 B & 24 C) Back-to-back flow is currently supp…Suman Lodh-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
The process Roll up Costs has completed. Warning: Errors or warnings reported.Summary: The process Roll up Costs xxxxx has completed. Warning: Errors or warnings reported. Review the View Scenario Exceptions page to resolve these errors. Content (…
Unable to search work order through Document number parameter in Manger Work Order UISummary: We are trying to search work orders reserved against document number, however, when a work order reserved to another work order we could not able to search thro…
Basis Type to be defaulted as Fixed based on specific item in work definitionSummary: Hi in a work definition, whenever we add items as input items, the basis type is defaulted as Variable. But there as some items which are dies used in business …
Why inactive items are available (appearing still) to be added in the work definitions ?Item has been made inactive by users as they don't want to use it any more. But in the work definition, in the process of adding input items, we could still see the inac…
How to change an existing operation code to another Operation code in a process work definitionSummary: What are the correct steps to be followed if we want to change an operation code to an another operation code through FBDI. Currently this operation also has so…
Requistion created in Approved status for Manufacturing Work orderSummary: Hi When we are releasing work order from unreleased status , automatically Approved requisition is being created. We want to restrict Requisition creation with …
How to Show Serial item attributes in Product Genealogy pageSummary: Hello All, Please let me know if you have implemented solution to show Serial item attributes in the Product Genealogy page. One of my customer wants to see the…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raj C -Oracle Manufacturing
The capture of Assemble-To-Order (ATO)Hello, Which are four correct statements concerning the capture of Assemble-To-Order (ATO) based customer asset structure? a) The ATO model is captured if the model item…
Rest API To update manufacturing Work order statusSummary: Hi I am looking for rest api to update manufacturing Work order status from Unreleased to Released status. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
For a Make item, does it necessarily need Work Definition?Summary: Does it require Work Definition especially for an assembled item? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…