Inventory and Cost Management Analytics Cloud
Discussion List
FG calculation for Actual costingSummary: Hi Costing Gurus, I have a Brand new Finished good item for which I have item structure and work definition..How will the Actual cost be calculated for FG item …
Receipt Correction via REST API "receivingReceiptRequests" in overwrite mode?Summary: Hi - we have a case where our customer needs to correct some receipts (we do not have SCM). It is a problem for them that the rest api uses values in relative (…
Receipt Accounting Distributions are not generated for Internal Requisition Transfer Flow ( IMT)Summary: We have transactions where Internal Requisition Transfer Flow ( IMT) issue to Expense without receipt being done between two Organizations. The Manage Interorga…
How to get Item cost Calculated for Parent Item without using Manufacturing?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a case that we have many Parent item for example item 1 and this item has two child item w…
Material and Resource Overhead setup for Actual costingSummary: Hi Costing Gurus, We have a requirement from the client for percentage based Resource Overhead and Material overhead for Actual costing . Below is the Requireme…
Create Cost Adjustment using REST APIDear All, I am trying to create a cost adjustment using the REST API "/fscmRestApi/resources/" with the body: { "AdjustmentTypeCode":"P", "Adj…
Transfer item from expense org to inventory orgSummary: best way to transfer item from an org when it is an expensed item to an org where it is an inventory item expensed in one org to Content (please ensure you mask…
Setting up the cost cut-off dateHello @Srini Raghavan-Oracle Could you please help me with the request below? We do not have legal entity time-zone enabled in our system. Our business is based in Austr…
One of the users is not able to see details in Cost Profiles, Valuation Structures etc.Summary: We don't have any custom reference data sets. User is able to see the Cost Organization Details and the Cost Organization Relationships as well. The only issue …
Accrual Clearing Rule Expression not displaying would this cause rules to not work?Summary: We are testing and working on implementing accrual clearing rules and noticed that the expression doesn't seem to appear when we are entering in one of our DEV …
CST | Perpetual Avg | Sub-inventory Level CostingSummary: Hi CST SME's As part of 1 of our client implementation Engagement, we are looking at the option to create the Stores as Sub-inventories and have the cost level …
Is it possible to allocate costs of an inventory item on goods receipt but still have track quantitySummary: I need to allocate costs for consumables on goods receipt but keep the quantity on hand to be managed by min/max. Is this possible? Content (please ensure you m…
sales order issue hit the offset accountSummary: we have noticed the sales order issue event hit the inventory valuation and Offset Account Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…
Accounting Overhead for inventory items - without manufacturingSummary: We have a monthly rental cost for storing inventory items that we want to allocate to all inventory items. The monthly cost is a fixed amount. But it should be …
Accounting Overhead for inventory items - without manufacturingWe have a monthly rental cost for storing inventory items that we want to allocate to all inventory items. The monthly cost is a fixed amount. But it should be prorated …
Query to fetch item category mappings in costingSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to create a BIP report which will fetch the mapping set code combination for a given item category. We have created separate quer…
Review cost accounting distributions using PAC as cost methodSummary: Hello everyone, I'm implementing the Costing module for a client, and this is my first time using the PAC (Periodic Average Cost) method. I'm having trouble fin…
Accounting to expense items tracked in inventory by quantityHi, Our client want track the expense items in inventory. To achieve that we did some configurations in the PIM. Stocked = Yes, Asset Value = No Cost Enabled = No. The t…
Tables for a 5-Bucket Inventory Aging ReportSummary: We are developing the Inventory Aging Report which contains 5 buckets. We require the information for tables that are required to develop the report. Content (p…
Update issue in Overhead accounting RulesSummary: Hi I am trying to update Rate in Overhead accounting rules, but it gets failed in few scenarios with below error. Please let us know what exactly causing this i…
Accrual Rule is not generating accrual clearing entriesSummary: Hi Team, To explain the scenario: We created a PO: Created a PO with 100 Quantity - with 100 Price Received the PO. Accounted now. Receipt Accounting : Receivin…
Unable to understand accounting entries for Consignment OrderSummary: Hi Team, Business created a Consignment order for a item with 9 quantity. Received 3 and did transfer to owned transaction and invoiced accordingly. Then they r…
cost of item automatically becomes zeroSummary: for a finished good item in a PAC organization, its cost becomes zero as seen in the inventory valuation form. Scenario *TRANSACTIONS DETAILS* Work in Process P…
Define Accounting Overhead Rules based on Transaction Type, Cost Element, From and To organizationUse Case: Business wants to define Accounting Overhead Rules to record estimate charges based on Transaction Type, Cost Element, From and To organization. For example: 1…
Accounting for price change in fusionSummary: Hi Team. Please help me with below accounting situation: Created a PO with 100 dollars Receipted and costed the transactions.It means Receipt Accounting: ReceIn…
Unable to find the item receipt for an item under Manage Cost Adjustments?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Wrong Invoice came for a bigger amount instead Original PO AmountWrong Invoice came for a bigger amount instead Original PO Amount Lets consider this scenario of Invoice Cancellations in the current period ( OCT -24) so business wante…
Costing for multiple Co-Product and By-products in Discrete Manufacturing for Actual CostingSummary: Hi Gurus. Below is the Scenario for multiple By-Product costing for Discrete Manufacturing for Actual Costing: Work Definition created for item as Primary Outpu…
Set Valuation Structure on specific vendorsThe client would like to know if it's possible to set up valuation structure on vendors. If not, is there any other way to do it?
Return Receipt To Supplier API RESTSummary: Using api rest, Is there any api rest to do the same steps that I've listed? If so, Could you provide the apis an examples about how to consume it please? Conte…