Supply Chain Planning
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Need a query to fetch the status of Manage Negotiations pageContent Hello, Can someone please tell me a table to fetch the status of the negotiation on the Manage Negotiations page. Please find the attached image with the require…Sushan Peiris 1.9K views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by User_IIM8T Reporting and Analytics for SCM
The supply plan tables could be printed in BI report?Summary: Hello, I have a custom table for supply planning, I need a BI report to print data generated into the table for the 3 measures per period while is filtering by …DIEGXDNXP 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Capacity / Resources Requirement calculation for Phantom subassembliesSummary: Hello All, How is Capacity / Resources Requirement calculated for Phantom subassemblies in constraint supply chain planning? supply planning doesn't calculate p…SharathBiz 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
sending email for bursting not workingHi . I create the Bursting process for an user. In the first step i created the query bursting in the data model : In particulary the parameters for my the Bursting quer…Michela A. Morgillo 53 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Michela A. Morgillo Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Is there any specific way in which we can get all the Supplies and Demand related SP data in one BIPSummary Is there any specific way in which we can get all the Supplies and Demand related SP data in one BIP Report?Content I want to know if there any specific way in w…Renuka Soneja-154959 39 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_KMKTM Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Query to get payment method field in Order Management in Oracle FusionContent Hi all, Can someone tell me from where I could pick the payment method field mentioned at the front end of the Order management page? I have checked for the tabl…Sushan Peiris 937 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Shishir Dhone Reporting and Analytics for SCM
R13 SCM and Procurement OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping spreadsheetSummary R13 SCM and Procurement OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping spreadsheet Content This spreadsheet is published by Oracle OTBI Development. Release: 25A…Ramamurthy Shankarachetty-Oracle 14.6K views 53 comments 40 points Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Need a query to fetch planned order and demand due datesSummary: Hello, We need a query to fetch planned order due dates and corresponding pegged sales order/forecast need by dates for a certain category of items. We would li…SharathBiz 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
BICloudConnectorJobDefinition Errors with ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zeroSummary: Experts, We are running "Prepare Supply Chain Planning Data for Export" to export data to BICC. However BICloudConnectorJobDefinition fails with this error Caus…Sudeep VS 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AkashV-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Query to get Change Orders details like changed/updated data like PO amount, Invoice Number and InvContent Hello all, Can someone tell from where I could pick the details for Change Orders details for a Purchase Order which is in "Open" status and if changes are made …
Can I compare archived versions of supply plan in OTBI?Summary: I am trying to build analytics/ reports in OTBI, where I can compare different versions of the same supply plan. Content (required): does that work similar to A…User561715 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Not able to view the BI publisher report under supply planning work areaSummary: We created BI report for Supply planning and loaded and created a new folder Supply Chain Planning under /Shared Folders/Custom/ and saved the report there. But…Adhavan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Report of units that cannot be reserved due to low stockSummary: The business requires knowing the information of order line units that cannot be reserved due to low stock and in consequence the customer's order cannot be ful…Fabian Castillo 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabian Castillo Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Does anyone who a query to fetch the PO number created relevant to a Transfer Order Inter organizatiContent Hello all, I need a query that picks the PO number generated for the transaction type Transfer Order Inter organization Receipt in review completed transactions.…Sushan Peiris 457 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Vrinda Mittal Reporting and Analytics for SCM
How can we create a custom events to trigger the integration flowSummary: How can we create a custom events to trigger the integration flow. if we click a release button for a project the integration need to trigger but i am unable to…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 14 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad ERP Integrations
Query to Derive Budget information for a purchase orderSummary: Looking for a query to derive Budget information(below highlighted columns) for a purchase order from the below screen,i.e Budget Account ,Budget Period and con…Ripendra Kumar-Oracle 374 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ripendra Kumar-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
What BICCs are available for Supply Chain Planning? ie. Demand Management, Supply Planning and S&OP?Summary: What BICCs are available for Supply Chain Planning? ie. Demand Management, Supply Planning and Sales and Operations Planning? Content (required): What BICCs are…
Need a query to get details from Review Cost Accounting Distributions UIContent Hello all, I need to get the highlighted fields as per the screenshot I have attached for the Account Alias Issue transaction. In the UI,78001 Account Alias Issu…
How to make a custom report available in supply planning work area?Summary How to make a custom report available in supply planning work area?Content Created a custom report. Users want it to be able to open from the supply planning wor…
BI publisher for Demand Plan custom measures.Summary: Hi all, please I would thank for any help with the following. We need the query below this Demand Plan screens. Example 1. Example 2. We have noticed some table…Juan Jesus 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Need to get a report for PO's where we can filter by BU'sSummary Need to get a report for PO's where we can filter by BU'sContent Hello, Grateful if you can help on how to get a list of all GRN's for Received Shipments for a S…User_2025-02-05-12-20-44-163 36 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Sahithi Kolasani-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Org LOV throwing error in Standard Report - Exception Summary by ItemSummary: Org LOV throwing error (Attached Screenshot) in Standard Report - Exception Summary by Item. Content (required): Org LOV throwing error (Below Screenshot) in St…Jasvinder Singh-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sahithi Kolasani-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Table and column for Firm DateSummary: The supply planning UI shows Firm Date as a column in the supplies and demands table. This date reflects when the product is expected to arrive. What is the tab…
R13 SCM and Procurement OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping spreadsheetSummary R13 SCM and Procurement OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping spreadsheetContent This spreadsheet is published by Oracle OTBI Development. This spreadsh…
Is there a way to restrict BI Admin role user to Query only Supply Planning related tables to buildSummary BI Admin - Role restriction per moduleContent We are already live with HCM and implementing Planning modules. When a user having only supply chain roles get BI A…Ramkumar Sethuramalingam 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkumar Sethuramalingam Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Query to find Product Family of ItemSummary Query to find Product Family of ItemContent Hi All I wanted to find the table or query which hold the Product_family details of an items: Below is the screenshot…Rohit Kumar-266502 699 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rohit Kumar-266502 Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Need a query to get Remit to supplier name for a given supplier.Content Hello all, I want to know where I could get the Remit-to-supplier name mentioned in the supplier management page in Oracle Fusion. I have got to tables joined, p…Sushan Peiris 820 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Sushan Peiris Reporting and Analytics for SCM
How to capture existing Report name and Data model details in BIP ReportSummary How to capture existing Report name and Data model details in BIP ReportContent Hi All, We are having a requirement to develop the BIP publisher report which wil…Rohit Soni-259808 81 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Rohit Soni-259808 Reporting and Analytics for SCM