Discussion List
Trouble selecting target on pop-out page.Summary: I'm trying to target the Create Another and OK buttons on the pop out window for adding supplier contact information. I'm able to select the form fields and oth…
Can OGL halt a step or process based on whether or not a field has been filled/verified?We are in the process of building OGL assets. Currently, our vendor uses "validations" to halt a process until a particular field is filled in correctly. For example, a …
We need a message if Purchase Agreement is Blank in Non catalog request page while adding to cartSummary: We have a requirement where we want to display the message "You confirm the fact that there is no Agreement available for the given supplier" in the non catalog…Shameek 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Need of Interest Rate for Variable Lease Payment ScheduleThe requirement is to have a Lease setup with a variable schedule with different rates. While setting up a lease for the requirement, Unable to enter the interest rate o…
Step Conditions - Disable When Location Field not populatedSummary: Hi, I am trying to disable the Submit button in the Request a New Position page via a smart tip. The conditions I am trying to put in place are: Disable element…Anna_jacoba 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
How to skip a job level in AP invoice approval workflowWe need to implement a rule in the AP Invoice Approval workflow to bypass a newly introduced job level, JL35. This job level has been added to support the PO Approval wo…
How to identify which environment my OGL is connecting to (PROD/DEV1/TEST)?Summary: How to identify which environment my OGL is connecting to (PROD/DEV1/TEST)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are Or…Liwen Chiu 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Can you please share documentation on how to leverage OGL in our career site?Summary: Can you please provide guidance on how to integrate OGL on career site. We would like to provide smart tip to users when they answer a specific question during …Weiwei YAP 42 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Raising an oracle SR to enable OGLSummary: Hello SMEs, Would like to seek your help, I am trying to raise an SR to enable the free OGL on our lower pods but I am not really sure as to the Service Type th…
Can you activate an OGL message or beacon when a specific text appears?I trying to create an oracle guided learning message or beacon that only appears when the following pop occurs in in the time sheets area. Is there an condition that can…
no overtime premiumOvertime Premium is not calculating for one employee. How can we find/fix this error?
qim connection errori am using SL150 Tape backup with osb software. fews days back there was health check erroor so i cleaned the drive but now i am not able to inventory the drive,i get un…
Announcing the OGL Masterclass series starting in September 2024Starting in September please join our OGL experts, running a series of OGL masterclasses. All session can be found on the OGL events page:James Bingham-Wallis-Oracle 113 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Kim Lockhart Oracle Guided Learning
OGL SSO not working post 24CSummary: Any idea why the SSO is no longer working post 24C? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, i…
How to track a Process Guide over a new tab/window?Summary: I am creating a Process Guide for approving Spend Authorizations. Our process is to approve from the BPM worklist. How can I get my Guide to continue onto the n…
How to skip a step if a section is not visible during hire actionSummary: We are planning to implement Oracle Guided Learning process for HR actions and wanted to check if anyone has implemented guided learning for Hire an employee ac…
How do I update the default theme on OGL assets?Summary: I've changed the default theme to one of the seeded themes within the OGL Console, under Settings > Themes. I am not seeing the change reflected on any of my me…
Interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle GuidesSummary: Hide interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle guides to perform the list of value setup. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Finding the right pageSummary: I have a smart tip I am trying to put on the performance and competency page on the feedback tile but it shows at the same place on other pages like the persona…
Next Button doesn't appear in Smart TipI created new custom smart tip in OGL and the next button doesn't appear despite clicking the checkbox. Is there anything we are missing here?
Launching a Process Guide from a linkSummary: I'm trying to figure out if there is a way of creating a link that will launch a specific OGL guide when clicked. This would be really helpful when directing pe…
Disable Save button in Emergency contact page if relationship is Spouse and DOB is blankSummary: We want to disable the Save button if relationship value is 'Spouse' and DOB is blank. We were able to make the Save button disable if relationship is 'Spouse' …
Disable Element not workingSummary: We want to disable the "Resident Tax Address" in Address Type field. We checked disable element and invisible step but it is still allowing us to choose Residen…
OGL step condition for checkboxSummary: I would like OGL to "disable" the Save and Close button when a user has selected 'Personal Expense' for the template type AND the 'Personal' checkbox under item…
Input the Request Number into the Section of My MessagesSummary: Hello, the conversation number is different from the request number. This means you cannot make a connection to the ticket. Is it possible to integrate a field …Kim Baumgartner 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Supangat-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Smart tip information delay it's appearance on hover over under delay/time conditionSummary: We observed when using the time condition or delay steps in smart tip with setup to appear on 'hover over', it delays also the appearance of the contents or inf…Miles Purihin-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Miles Purihin-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Ability to search work orders by Planning DFFSummary: We are leveraging Planning DFF in Manage work order, but there is requirement from our client for having the ability to search by DFFs from Manage Work Orders o…
Welcome to the Oracle Guided Learning Forum!Content Use this as a place to connect with Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) product experts and other users. We encourage you to pose questions and share your knowledge, be…Amkumar-Oracle 653 views 20 comments 11 points Most recent by Khanh Nguyen-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Oracle Guided LearningHi! I'm configuring a basic process guide in OGL. The first two steps work fine but then I am coming across this error moving onto the third. I've replicated the activat…Seline Yongeviz 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Supangat-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Smart Tips EverywhereSince 24A has been applied to our non prods we are discovering My Oracle Support Smart Tips Everywhere. Even for our standard user access. How do we deactivate these?Rebecca Hawker 71 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning